Sunday, June 3, 2012


heyy gs.

wow today was such a busy and tiring day and so was yesterday so I feel like so tired and worn out now!  today i had graduation then we went to get pictures taken then i had to clean up the house a ton because we had friends over for dinner.  and they just left a little bit ago so now this is like the first time today i've gotten to relax.

goos!  i've already revived almost $50 in forms of cash and gift cards for graduating today!! what should i spend it on...?

oh yeah i'm going to take noah's quiz thing now!

Are you of the north or the south? 
My high school is called Terre Haute North, so I am of the north.

Do you wish to take the black?
Which house are you from?
House Stark

Friend or foe? 

Have you considered Communism?
Yeah I have once or twice.

Do we have any friendship tea? 

What level are ya?
 Over 9000.

Aren't you a little young to be doing all this? 
Nah, I'm going to be 19 in a couple days so that's plenty old.

Is the glass 2/3 empty or 2/6 full?

Rationalize all denominators 1 squareroot: 25 
It's summer.  I don't feel like doing math.

Would you like to make a research agreement with England?
Making agreements with countries is always nice.

Doctor Who? 
The Doctor.

Are Sam and Dean over 12 feet tall together?
Yeah but the better question is, are CM and Gob over 12 feet tall together?

Wanna buy some psssst? 
Not really.

Fus ro dah?

Wanna make me a smoothie? 
I'm too lazy right now.


 Have you considered Communism?
 Duh, of course I have.  I already answered this.

 McCarthy, comrade or foe? 
 I don't know who McCarthy is.

Are you as tired as I am?

and here is my supernatural pre-series fanmix.

No More Runnin - Animal Collective 
John settles down from the hunter life with his two sons and his wife.

No more runnin
Says my mind
All this movement has just
Proved your kisses are too fine

It's what I hoped for

It's what I hoped for

Condition 11:11 - Defiance Ohio
Sam and Dean wish their father would spend more time with them.

At 11:11 every night I make wishes. Habit and superstition feed my foolish fires; they've been burning for a couple of months.

I stay out all day to keep these thoughts away. Why don't you give my feet a break and come back?

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