Saturday, September 1, 2012

night of the cat

Hey gs!

Have I mentioned how much I hate Kelly like all the time?  There's just like 2398579382579 things that piss me off about her.

Like her voice.

And her laugh.

And how she fucking laughs at everything when she watches Supernatural.

Even things that aren't fucking funny at all.

Like she was watching Playthings and just plumb laughing her head off at the part where Sam tells Dean he has to kill him.

What is funny about that!?!?!??!

Someone please tell me!!!!!!!!

And sometimes I'll just be reading something and she'll just think that's a good time to watch a thing on her stupid tv.

And then laugh really loudly at everything she sees.

And even if I make her watch it on her computer I still can't stand it because of her FUCKING LAUGH.


And she says the word "fantastic" WAY TOO FUCKING MUCH.

And in such an annoying way too.

I cannot stand the word fantastic now.

Which is really unfortunate for the Fantastic Four.

Actually any time she says anything I really want to slaughter her because of her glug voice.

But pretty much my response to anything she does is to blast my music really loudly.

It gives me some kind of pleasure hearing her ask me to turn it down.

Because then I just turn it down a little bit and then turn it right back up again a few minutes later.

I am a joy to live with.

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