Thursday, August 16, 2012

cat instincts

Hey gs.

10 best ships from 10 different things

10. Sherlock/John (Sherlock)
"Listen, what I said before, John, I meant it.  I don't have friends. I've just got one."
9.  Thor/Loki (Marvel)
"I love Thor more dearly than any of you."
8. Sawyer/Kate (LOST)
"You taste like fish biscuits."
7. Hei/Misaki (Darker than Black)
"But suppose all those beautiful fake stars were to suddenly stop shining?  That would be sad too, wouldn't it?"
6. Barney/Robin (How I Met Your Mother)
"Holy crap! You're beautiful!"
5. Merlin/Arthur (Merlin)
"I'm going to be at your side, like I always am, protecting you."
4. Kirk/Spock (Star Trek)
 "I have been, and always will be, your friend."
3. Danny/Vlad (Danny Phantom)
"I could train you, teach you everything I know."
2. Sylar/Claire (Heroes)
"You may eventually come to forgive me.  Maybe you'll even love me."
1. Sam/Dean (Supernatural)
"Sammy, all I'm saying is that you're my weak spot.  You are.  And I'm yours."

That's the stuff!

Well today I learned that classes don't start until Wednesday!  I just hope those like three days of orientation aren't too boring.

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