Wednesday, July 25, 2012

para's babies

Hey gs!

Top 10 favorite villains

Well. Okay, there's scary villains, there's bad villains, there's villains I love to hate...and then there's villains I just love.  Like if I think about this person and I'm like, well sure they've killed lots of people but are they really a villain...then they're probably on this list.  This is my list of lovable villains!!!

10. Barty Crouch Jr. (Harry Potter)
"Decent people are so easy to manipulate."
Okay, well yes he tortured Neville's parents but... wait, what am I saying? This is a list of favorite villains! I'm not going to make excuses for all these people! You already know I love them!  Okay, so yeah he's pretty evil but he's also so awesome! I mean, how many people could go a whole year pretending to be someone else and have pretty much no one suspect you? He succeeded in his plan, even! And think about it, all the great and hilarious things that Mad-Eye did in book 4 that you love him for, that was this guy.  Plus, I do feel bad for him since his father was so neglectful and annoying.

9. Bellatrix Lestrange (Harry Potter)
"Come out, come out, little Harry!"
What?? Another Death Eater responsible for the torture of Neville's parents?? Why, yes, yes it is!  What can I say? I love me a loyal Death Eater! But honestly, Bellatrix was insane. But she was also awesome.
8. Adam Monroe (Heroes)
 "First you show me that I can be harmed by no weapon, and then you cut me deeper than any blade possibly could."
 Oh, I do feel bad for Adam... First Hiro betrays him, and then he lives for 400 years, long enough to see everything bad humanity has ever done, and when he tries to fix it, he's betrayed again by his friends and they lock him up for 30 years. And I mean, he couldn't be reasoned with because there was no one like him, no one who could understand him. And then Hiro buries him alive  which was so cruel considering he had no plans to ever unbury him and Adam could have possibly lived forever in that coffin... And ughhh I just feel so bad for him because I hated Arthur so much and just this huge series of bad things happened to Adam before his death and Arthur was so annoying with his power and and and Adaaaaaam!!! 
7. Dark Dan (Danny Phantom)
 "Nice try, Jazz. But me in my future, I'm inevitable."
 Hehe. Well, he's certainly evil. But come on! All his family and friends died! He surrendered his human half! Okay, and then he killed his human half...and then he blew up Vlad's house...and then he spent ten years causing death and destruction on Earth and the Ghost Zone... But he's so cool and powerful! And he's voiced by Thompson! 
6. Voldemort (Harry Potter)
 "There is no good and evil...there is only power. And those too weak to seek it."
 Poor Voldemort. He was just this little guy! He's so sad!  I can't really explain my Voldemort feels any better than I did in a poem I wrote one time...which you have all heard so you should know my Voldemort feels! 
5. Azazel (Supernatural)
"Sam - Sammy - you're my favorite."
I love how scared the Winchesters are of this guy and they talk about him and oh he's so mysterious and scary and he's this monster who's haunted them their whole lives and finally meet him and he's just this really chill guy. And I love his relationship with Sam and his huge plan and the things that he says and yeah he's so cool. I mean, not really sympathetic at all, but still awesome.
4. Vlad Masters (Danny Phantom)
 "I could train you, teach you everything I know. And all you'd have to do, is renounce your idiot father."
Oh Vlad. All he wanted was love. (until his character derailment in season 3 but shhh let's not think about that)  And though he's the series's main villain, he's not that evil... Not as evil as Dark Dan anyway.  As far as I can see he never kills anyone, and the only person he tries to kill is Jack, who did ruin his life and is married to the woman he loves.  He also clearly has affectionate feelings toward Danny and honestly I can see his point of view because Vlad does have a lot to offer Danny and it makes sense that they should team up and help each other since they are the only two beings of their kind.  But Vlad can't accept Danny being loyal to Jack whom he hates, and Danny can only see Vlad as evil. The problem is that Vlad uses his powers for personal gain (the same anyone would use their natural abilities) and Danny uses his powers to be a hero, so they have conflicting ideals and can never get past that.  Throughout the series and Vlad is time and time again rejected by Maddie, by Danny, by everyone, he get's steadily more insane, culminating in "Kindred Spirits" when his clones and holograms are destroyed. Poor guy.
 3. Ruby (Supernatural)
"I'm the girl that just saved your ass."
 There are so many reasons why I love Ruby. I mean first of all, she was so awesome. Like she really just manipulated the fuck out of Sam and got him to start the apocalypse and she was just such a badass. But also, she was loyal to Lucifer which I can respect since I also love Lucifer.  And I do think she cared about Sam and in some twisted way maybe she loved him and thought she was doing what was best for him because hey, who wouldn't want to be the vessel for Lucifer, the guy she risked so much for and put up with so much from all the other demons for. Plus she was just like. This awesome person and yes. 
 2. Lucifer (Supernatural)
"And Michael...Michael turned on me. Called me a freak, a monster. And then he beat me down, all because I was different."
Oh Lucifer, my poor, sweet, baby.  I just love Lucifer so much I want to die. Like he's just this little guy who loved his brother and loved his father and was just a little bit different and then all this shit happened to him.  And if he's a little bit insane, can you really blame him? I don't even know how long he spent in Hell.  And he never wanted to hurt Sam, he never wanted Sam to have to go through all this, but they were made for each other, they understand each other perfectly, it had to be Sam. And if it wasn't, if it wasn't anybody, then Michael would kill him.
1.  Sylar (Heroes)
"I wanted to be different, special. I wanted to change. A new name, a new life. The watchmaker's son...became a watchmaker. It is so futile. And I wanted to be...important."
Wow how am I supposed to explain why I love Sylar in a few simple sentences? Well, see, Sylar's messed up, sure, but it's the result of his fathers abandoning him, his mother telling him he could be special but not feeling special at all, of his power that made him thirst for more power and pretty much everyone he ever met trying to manipulate him.  I mean, when Sylar took his first victim, he wanted, he tried to kill himself.  If Bennet hadn't arranged for him to kill again, to become a monster, he wouldn't have become a serial killer. And when he tries to find redemption, nobody ever gives him a chance. They just want to use him and manipulate him some more. Plus, Sylar is intelligent, funny, and super badass and powerful and he's just this little guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
In conclusion, woobify your villains like me!!!!!

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