Sunday, January 9, 2011

Waking up for school sucks

goos this is my first post of the new year!!!!! it's 2011!!!!! wow that is just so crazy!

aw g so my experiment to see how long i could go without sleeping failed. like i was watching an ep of supernatural on my ipod but then i heard my mom coming into my room and i pretended to fall asleep...and i actually fell asleep. and it was like 5:30 so it was really close to when i would have been able to get up too! :/

blehh that morning after that sucked because i had to be abruptly woken like 2 hours later in my sleep and it would have been better if i had of just not slept at all. actually this whole week really sucked because it was like the first week of school and everything and i wasn't used to getting up that early every day.

okay, now time to reintroduce myself for the new year. here's how i introduced myself last year:

Hi I am Goblin, or Gob for short. Here are the three important facts that you should know about me: 1. I am sneaky. 2. I make a confused face that looks like this: =S 3. I am green.

well i am still a goblin, and i am still sneaky, confused and green, but i am also a tuba now.

In the beginning of 2010 I was excited for two video games I didn't even get, Lost S6, Heroes S4, Harry Potter 7, 4 movies I didn't even see, Muse concert, Cousin Camp and Thanksgiving.

Here are the things I'm excited for this year:

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
Pirates of the Carribean 4

Doctor Who
Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome
The Big Bang Theory

Noah's Bar Mitzvah
Cousin Camp

i wonder if there are going to be a bunch of really good movies coming out this year that i just don't know about yet. like how last year i didn't know about inception until the summer and it was like that for a bunch of movies.

ok well there isn't really much point in me doing the spn faves/unfaves because i only know like 4 characters so i'll do that some post later. here's the new one though.

fave things to do over a weekend:
-watch shows like spn
-stay up late
-sleep in

unfave things to do over a weekend:

oh yeah and i still definitely think sunday is part of the weekend and not the first day of the week but techincally it is still saturday in california time anyways and maybe i just teleported to california and posted from there.

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