Sunday, March 27, 2011

I am chatty

hey ggggggggggggggggs

sorry about that stupid post yesterday i completely forgot. but look at me i am making up for it by posting the next day too unlike tuba who posts sucking posts and then doesn't post again until the next week. well i guess this is the next week but you don't have to wait a week for it at least and i will probably post again sometime later this week.

ok i don't have a single pic actually because google chrome wasn't working for most of the week and that made it hard to find pics to use in my pics because internet explorer sucks basically. oh also firefox wasn't working either idk if i told you this but i was stuck using internet explorer and i wanted to die. yeah. but now google chrome is working again so i am saved. actually i'm not quite saved because i haven't tried the code hob gave me for photoshop yet but yeah i will later because i have a lot of ideas in my head of pics to make.

what i could really go for rn is a new spn episode. that is sort of a shame that the next one won't be the western episode. did the order get switched or something idk. but it will be still nice to have a new ep in like 3 weeks even tho idk what the next episode even is. don't tell me tho if you know. also only 4 weeks until the western episode so. although bum bum bum 3 weeks until i get dragged to hell because i sold my soul accidentally. wow i should have tried to get more time.

omg guess what i bought on friday tho. ok i will tell you its supernatural season 3. goooooos my final challenge is complete! well except the part how i was going to try to pay less than i did for the other seasons because its a rip off when its the same or more than the others because there are less episodes and therefore it should be less. so i paid $20 for s3 which is like 4 more dollars or something than i paid for s4 but idc really. i just really need s3 because a lot of days i want to watch an ep and its in s3 and i'm too lazy to watch it on the computer so. s3 has a lot of good qualities for example: "brotherly" love

is this post boring you or

oh wait nice fanmix tubs except i haven't listened to it yet but i will tonight maybe. except its hard for me to tell what song goes with what quote so could you try to clarify that? also i'm very curious about the songs that you cut from the fanmix.

wow i have so many fanmixes i want to make still. i thought of another one i would like to make also i have like one song for it but i could find more easily. its called an evil!sam fanmix. yeah.

wow tomorrow i have school again but idec really. actually i have spent the last half of my spring break wishing i could go back to school so i am kind of excite because i have just been so bored at home and idk i miss my friends sort of.


hmm what else to say. this post has so much talking. wow i was going to watch some of my favorite spn episodes over spring break but i ended up like not watching any of them but just watching a lot of ones i don't really care about. but that was still good. i did watch a few that i like i think. i mean i like every episode so. well except no exit i just do not care for that episode at all and maybe a few more. but no exit has too much jo and not enough sam ntyt ever again.

what else what else what else

blah blah blah should i just ramble on forever? this is a very serious investigation also. i am bored and hungry when will it be dinner time. i think it supper time. actually yeah it is. ok bye

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