Tuesday, December 27, 2011

rambling hippos

ok i guess i'm going to post for real now because i feel bad that i haven't posted in a really long time. i haven't posted in 37 days! DDD: i think next year for our blog maybe we should go back to having more rules about posting or something. we started off really good this year but we just kep slacking more and more during the end of the year.

well i'll stop being a downer now and actually make a good post!!!!

okay so in 2012 i'm going to try and make a year long time-lapse photography thing because i've been wanting to do one of those for a super long time.

you can help me decide which to take pictures of!!
What should I take a picture of every day next year (2012)?
The front yard of our house
The inside of the fridge
My locker at school
A plant growing
Something different every day
Other (specify in comments)

pollcode.com free polls
oh yeah you know what show i think i'm going to try to watch some time over the last week of this winter break? american horror story. seth said from what he's heard and seen it's really good. it looks kinda like a darker and scarier supernatural but maybe it will be just like completely different and i won't like it all though. oh yeah and it has zachary quinto in it

haha you know that sidebar think on facebook where it shows ads that relate to what you've liked on facebook or searched for or talked about? well look what showed up as one of my ads! it knows i'm a tuba!

wow i'm just rambling about different things and this post has no point at all. oh well it's better than nothing.

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