Monday, December 26, 2011

peaches the dancing hippo

ook im going to analyze the song "peachy" by missy higgins in relation to pre-series sam/dean!!!!

alright well first...the way i see their pre-series relationship is that there's lots of like ust from the time they're like 14/18 or 15/19 on sam's part (like only sam felt that way when they were younger) and then like maybe 16/20 or 17/21 on dean's part and the only thing that really happened between them before sam left for stanford was a kiss or two and then like the last year before sam left there was just all this tension between them (regular tension AND sexual tension) and ok...this is the wincest-y interpretation of this song. it could also be interpreted as gen but more just the chorus/general theme of it

ok so this song is from dean's pov

It's not my fault, it can't be my fault that you speak to me the way you do.

ok well this is just about when sam would be like "come on dean let's do some unbrotherly things" and dean is trying to convince himself that that's not his fault (except he doesn't really believe that...) and that all he did was be a reg. big bro and stuff

Now I'm split in two, I'm half me and half you but I hate us both, don't you?

well this one is pretty obvious i think, at least the "i'm split in two, i'm half me and half you" part. the "i hate us both, don't you" part is sort of sarcastic and sort of not (well this whole song is pretty much half sarcastic and half not i guess). i think that part is two things: first it's "i hate us both for feeling this way about each other" and it's also "i hate myself for feeling this way and it obviously IS my fault and i hate YOU for leaving me"

ok the chorus is next but i'll save that for last because i think it fits best with the last verse

It's not your fault, it can't be your fault that I let you crawl inside my head

alright well now this line is him telling himself how he actually feels which is that it's not SAM'S fault and dean should have done a better job of pushing him away and stuff

Cause you know my places, and know that face but I hate this taste, don't you?

well this line is less specifically relevant than all the other ones but i guess it's just the same stuff that's already been said.......

It's no one's fault, it's nobody's fault that I fell on you and you on me
It's what humans do, and they pass on through but I think we can't, don't you?

ok this whole part is like "ok well whatever it doesn't matter, it's just a thing that happened but.............we cant do this"

ok now the chorus

No of course you don't, of course you don't

ok when this line comes after the last verse it's like "of course you dont think we cant do this or you wouldnt have left" (of course thats not the main reason why he left but....)

You said life is peachy without me

well i think this line just sums up how dean feels about sam leaving, with or without the wincest. it reminds me of the "he wasnt the only one you got away from" line from dark side of the moon

we should do this for more songs!!! that was fun. maybe we should switch songs after we both post ours and say what we think the other person's song is about????
actually can you please do that because i really dont understand how this could be sam's pov

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