omg that was a great episode yesterday. everything was so beautiful.
bleh but only one ep left until no more supernatural for like a month. DDDDD:
okay what will i have for dinner? mo and fo left me here but there is nothing to eat and noah is sick. hmmmm
well i'm not hungry right now actually.
yesterday i bought another supernatural magazine! goos! it looks awesome i can't wait to read it
ok my friend abby is still watching supernatural. ok well she finished season 5 and she really likes cas i guess and i don't know what to say to her about that... i just don't have that much respect for people who love cas the most... because like the show is not even about cas really... well idk if she like cas or dean more but still. she should like sam more because sam is awesome.
haha but it was so hilarious the other day we were talking about how whenever someone says cas in our school they mean creativity action service but we also just hear castiel. and then we were like
i do cas.
i do cas all the time.
every wednesday i do cas.
everyone does cas in this school.
we don't have a choice. we have to do cas.
sheila makes us do cas.
hey karl, do you do cas?
zoe, you do cas, right?
i regret nothing in getting her addicted to supernatural even though she doesn't like sam as much as i do. omg she ships cas/meg tho... what even. bleh i ship sam/meg and i feel like i am the only one. ok we had this huge argument about that. well actually it was just that we were writing back and forth to each other in her notebook during a community meeting. haha we can not even stop filling up that notebook with conversations about supernatural.
omgggg i finished the dean fanmix!!!! except its not quite done actually because i need to make art for it and i need to put it all together and stuff. but goos i will post it soon!
tubs if you don't make the sam/ruby fanmix i will die.
omg speaking of that i loved in that ep last night when there was sam/gen. that was beautiful.
omg that ep was so great. i can't stop loving that ep.
we need to watch the dubbed version of the first supernatural anime ep tonight!!! also we should try to have a nice gc!!!
i just have two pictures.
ok that second one is so beautiful how did i even make something so great sdlkgjsdkljg
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