Sunday, July 22, 2012

para inc.

Hey gs.

Idk what that last post was.

This will be a better post!

Top 5 favorite organizations

5. The Others (LOST)
"That you were strung up by your neck and left for dead. That the kidnapped Claire and she was gone for weeks during which God knows what happened to her. That these people, these Others are merciless and will stop at nothing to get what they want."
4. Dumbledore's Army (Harry Potter)
"Look at it this way: every great wizard in history has started out as nothing more than we are now - students. If they can do it, why not us?"

3. Guys in White (Danny Phantom)
 "Because ghosts pose a constant threat to your student body... And because we're with the government and have access to your tax records."

 2. S.H.I.E.L.D. (Marvel)
"You're top secret and your headquarters is a giant, flying aircraft carrier?" 
 1. The Company (Heroes)
"We find people, and we make sure they don't become dangerous. Now sometimes that can mean making sure they understand entirely what they're capable of and teaching them to use their abilities for the good of mankind... And sometimes it can mean eliminating them."

In conclusion, a good fictional organization:
1. is top secret
and usually,
2. kidnaps people

Man, I just love me a good fictional organization, don't you? 

When is Gob coming back to our blog though?  I miss his little green face.

Hm I had an interesting dream again I think...but I can't quite remember the details.

Wow I got an email from my roommate and she seems like a snore. Ah well.

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