Okay this is going to be a great post I can feel it.
Aw yeah g that is a fun time. That comic book store omg. Is it sad that I can tell exactly what week of what month of what year that is by the comics on the shelf?
Wow last night I had a dream I went to a comic book store and it was a good dream.
Haha those pics you drew are so nice!!!
Okay I got 33/44 on the presidents quiz. Welp. Tbh I never tried to memorize all the presidents so.
Here's a quiz about cheese. I scored 10/22. I guess I don't know cheese very well.
Here's my vid.
Okay now it's time to talk about lots of comics!!!
Fantastic Four #5 AU
*Pretty good
*But I'm confused because it seemed like Ben died but I thought he was in the background of some panels in AU #1 and 2???
*But then he wasn't in AU #3...
*Aw well I guess he's dead
*Reed is a huge fool like you have one last chance to say something to your kids so you're like "remember kids, in this family we're all atheists."
*Johnny is awesome but we all knew that.
Superior Spider-Man #6 AU
*Good but I'm still confused!
*That was clearly Spock and yet it's clearly Peter in AU!!!!
*Like I feel like it's trying to tell me it's not Peter and yet it actually just made me more sure that it is Peter because of how different Spock acts and just the things that he says and wow
*Also new outfit in this issue, still old outfit in AU
*Anyway, all that aside I really liked it
*The art is so beautiful I want to die.
*Like I really love the way Dexter Soy draws Peter can he do it more often???
*Also really good writing and Spock dialogue even though it was kind of strange Slott didn't write it.
*On the other hand,
*So Spidey's decoy plan involved killing all of the survivors in New York City and all of the other superheroes were just going to let him do it? Okay...
*Also when Tony was like "so Sue tells me you're a scientist" YOU KNEW THAT ABOUT HIM OR DID YOU FORGET???
*Well I guess it could be likely he did forget.
*Also there were a lot of people there I did not know were there like I did not know Quicksilver was there for one.
*Well okay this issue is probably not that important to AU or SSM storylines but it's good and really pretty so.
Age of Ultron #3
*P good!
*Welp I never trusted Vision anyway so.
*I mean I'm sure there's something going on with him but I'm just saying.
*Wow idk what Red Hulk, Taskmaster, and Black Panther are even doing with that head but did Black Panther die or???
*I like Peter just stands around in the middle of everyone with his torn costume like his whole shirt is completely destroyed doesn't anyone have something he could put on I guess not
*I don't see how punching She-Hulk was really necessary but okay
*Jessica and Danielle noooooooooooooo!
*Aw Clint but Hank is so small we can't blame him!!
*Wait a second I'm pretty sure She-Hulk has met Peter Parker before so she just doesn't remember him or???
*I'm gonna call Red-Hulk Dave from now on.
A + X #6
*I don't have a lot to say about this but it was really cute
*Especially the Wolverine and Captain Marvel part
*Also I liked how both parts were basically just poker games I mean you can't have too many superhero poker games
*Though I guess one thing is that the part with Wolverine and Captain Marvel wasn't really A + X that much because they are both Avengers like it wouldn't be hard to find an issue with them working together just saying.
Wow The Wolverine trailer!!!!!
It looks really awesome icqcme!!!!!
Wow also the footage from Iron Man 3 of Pepper wearing the suit and (I assume) becoming Rescue looks really awesome and icqcme for that either!!!!
Today I was talking to my friend and we were like what if instead of wearing masks and stuff the Chameleon killed the people he wanted to pretend to be and wore they're skin just putting that out there
Now just some questions to get you thinking:
1. Submit or perish?
2. Are you having fun?
3. Sheeop?
Here's a pic.
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