Thursday, March 7, 2013

nature vs. cat

Hey gs!

Hob I think I got your message.  I translated the letters in your post into numbers and then back into letters and I think I got what you were saying. Tell me if this is right:

het hedge
spif it
dux sip
pep fret
pee heh ha a

Idk what else you could mean because this makes a lot of sense to me like obviously
het hedge - that darn het hedge am I right?
spif it - I'm already on it
dux (ducks) sip - agreed.
pep fret - who doesn't fret about pep really?
pee heh ha a - pee is just hilarious so

But Gob I am very disappointed in you because you didn't respond to anything I said in my post like wow.

Also where is your punishment, really???

Gob that is so crazy to me that you would not have snow storms in March???? I p sure March is like the second snowiest month here in MN.

Also that is crazy to me that you could have three classes cancelled in one day because I never have three classes on any day. Was that all your classes or did you still have to go to some????


My favorite part is:  youuuu'll neeeeever see meeee comiinng...

Jk though because there are so many great parts.

I spy Hulkbuster armor.

Wow I hope Tony doesn't actually die though??? I didn't mean to imply that I actually wanted him to die.......... I mean aren't we all under the assumption he will be in Avengers 2???? I refuse to accept that Tony could die before he even really gets to know Steve!!!!!


Okay but you know what everyone needs to calm the fuck down about TASM 2 okay it doesn't come out for like 14 months seriously.  I blame Mark Webb a lot because he keeps tweeting confusing pictures from the set and it gets everyone in a frenzy trying to guess their meanings and everyone has crazy theories and then there's all these set pictures taken by random people because they are filming in fucking new york city and I can't even handle it!!!!

Also maybe people need to calm the fuck up a little bit about Cap 2 because apparently they are also currently filming that and I didn't even know that!!! And that is coming out before TASM 2 soooooo


Ugh the trailer is so great though help me

Here just watch it

Interesting fact: the guy who voices Deadpool voiced Alistair Smythe in the TASM video game.

You want to know something crazy is that the other day I was listening to this clip where someone like upped the pitch of Sam's voice and it sounded kind of like how I imagine Spider-Man's voice would be wow crazy.

Okay did you know Joy puts her clothes on over the clothes she wears to bed sometimes???

Also today I went to the bathroom and when I got back Joy was in here with a friend and it freaked me out!!!! Please do not do that again!!!!

Okay but Age of Ultron started this week and it's really good so far!!!
*I mean it was really confusing but also really good.
*Hawkeye is awesome!!!!!!! But of course we all knew that.
*Idk what Ultron did but he broke Cap.
*I'm trying to figure out who's not dead/missing. So far I see Hawkeye, Spider-Man, Luke Cage, She-Hulk, Iron-Man, Emma Frost, Beast, Wolverine, The Thing, Captain America, and Invisible Woman. Obviously there are others but I can't tell who they are.
*I love dystopias idk this just seems like its going to be really awesome.
*The only thing is the whole timeline thing is really confusing because I'm not 100 percent sure whether the Spider-Man we have here is Superior or Amazing...because there is a Superior tie-in so...
*But I'm pretty sure that it's Amazing I mean it's pretty obvious but after careful deliberation I came to that same conclusion because
1. I'm pretty sure this whole series except for the tie-ins were written like a year ago
2. There seems to be a lot of weird timeline stuff going on so I guess Superior could show up somehow
3. But he still has his old costume I think although it's a little bit hard to tell since there's not much left of it but yeah .
4. Also he is snarky and sarcastic and while Spock can put on a show of that to fool people, he wouldn't do it automatically especially not after being tortured for days where as that is classic Peter right there. Also there would be no real reason for him to. No one expects anyone to start making jokes in this super shitty situation and yet that is pretty much all that comes out of Spidey's mouth so.
*Emma checked his mind and well okay if this is supposed to be in the current timeline it could be possible her powers are on the blink but that didn't come up and everyone seemed to take her word for it so.
*Also I know Spock would have a way different attitude towards being captured, tortured, and sold. I mean he would definitely complain about it and want revenge blah blah blah but it didn't seem like Spidey really cared so
*Also there was absolutely nothing that pointed toward it being Superior and the writers are always pretty overt about it I don't think Bendis would be that careless so.
*Also I heard that Slott tweeted something about this being Amazing but I couldn't find it so I guess I will just take their word for it.
*Okay other stuff
*Well Cap Marvel and Thor were on the cover although they didn't appear in the issue although Thor was mentioned so
*There were lots of good quotes in this but I liked "Bows and arrows? The world's gone to Hell and you're sticking with bows and arrows? That's why no one likes you!"
*Also there were lots of good parts but I really liked when they were giving Spidey the "thing."
*Okay that is all I will say.

Well apparently no one liked my game...

Not even Gob played it and he was the one who asked for a game so.

Tomorrow is Friday goos!!!!

Also a week from tomorrow is my spring break more goos!!!!

Haha I was laughing at this group that was presenting their amendment in my govt class today because first of all their amendment fell under the completely wrong topic and so my prof was just like "wtf are you doing??" and then only four people voted for it to be passed. It was basically a really bad idea so. Wow but three of the people that voted to pass it were in my group. I felt very ashamed of them. But like when we were first talking about it everyone in my group was for it and I was like "welp I think it's a horrible idea" and they were like "hey man why so hateful" but I guess I managed to persuade one of them so at least one person is not completely stupid I guess.

Have I told you that the pic on my calendar for March is really cute because it is.

This is a p long post considered I had really nothing to respond to.

The key to a good post is to ramble on excessively about stuff no one cares about but you I guess.

Well I'm almost out of time but I have a pic

Actually I'm going to put another pic because I have too many and this one's not very good.

I stole three pieces of paper from the library to draw on but I haven't even used them yet because I got kind of addicted to using my mouse to draw....It's kind of like a fun challenge idk and it looks a lot cleaner. Both of these were drawn on paper and then scanned though.

I think this kind of drawing I'm not really going to draw a million of though like I feel like this is good practice and it sometimes looks cool but it doesn't give me as much joy as drawing something really cute like I could find a million pictures of Spidey swinging through a city or Torch flying but there are only a limited amount of pictures of Spidey and Torch kissing each other so that's really what I should draw, right? 

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