Monday, February 4, 2013

chicken turkey sandwich

heyyyyyyy gs

bleh another darn week. i miss the weekend :( im supposed to be writing a paper but i dont want to :)

these qs gob

get on it

para you should carry cardboard spock around your campus and play it's spock do you care. that could be fun

ok we're writing our paper now

no we're not

wow it's not even a hard paper to write

but i just lo ve this jam so much that it's distracting me

ok i'll start it in 15 mins

no 30

gob what do you imagine would happen if a house elf took this darn long to punish himself???
idk but it sure would not be good. he'd probably have to punish himself twice as severely.



ok there's a new rule on this blog where you have to post at a time when you're supposed to be doing homework that oyu don't want to do. that way you will be more likely to put a lot of stuff in your post bc you are procrastinating. jj thats not a rule.

icqcme for this weekend but tbh i wish i could know just how much excitement i cna't contain bc para wont give us a straight answer about whether she's coming so i can't have a straight amount of excitement.

hey i just met you

and cats are crazy


well they are actually. what are cats we just don't know

mayb its time we give something new a try

blah blah blah

so just let us be three

ok you know what im going to get some coffee and then we're going to get right to it

let's get straight down to it

let's do it and get straight down to it

let's do it, let's do it, let's do it, let's do it now

ok this day is worthless and dead to me

ok im now going to say something real. ok lets see what my post was one year ago from today.  oh.......ok it was during naschon welp. apparently it was like the best day ever. ok that's nice for you.  ok blah blah blah me from one year ago is just bragging. that's boring.  and her least favorite monster of the week was bugs. i guess same still but who cares.

ok hmm two years ago from today just para posted. let's see alright she was in a super fucking good mood wtf??????? here i am grumping the day away and meanwhile in the past people are having good days. im pretty angry.  ok well it was friday so i guess the day had that going for it automatically. also spn was that night ok that's nothing to be excited about, sorry para.  ok para says "i miss crowley" what is that about. and she had cheeseballs thats nice. and meatballs. ok. why are everything para loves balls? is that still true?? oh ok noah was gone for the weekend that is something to be really happy about, so i am feeling for you girl. ok now is this thing about whose pillow is more comfy. icr what i said before but now im saying sam's pillow. actually dean's pillow looks really uncomfy so idk.  alright that was a time

ok nice three years ago gob posted. let's see what things he had to share with us. he is telling me that i told him that para is sick. ok thats a good start to this post. ah there's some stuff about lost. who cares. bleh a party. thats no good. oh gob still liked sushi. wow now gob is saying that a new ep of lost is something to be excited for. sorry but no. here in 2013 we dont have lost any more. nor do we care about it. oh nice "Except for Lost and Heroes this week has been so sucky and I expected it to be so good!" thats same as me except im not expecting it to be good and i have no lost or heroes. maybe dtb will save me. ok this favs unfavs category is really boring. ok there's a big glug list of gob's fav songs also. i dont think thats part of the game cuz he didnt say his unfav songs. one song is float on. one song is oops i did it again. how do you feel about these songs present!gobby?? ok quizzes told gob that he's jack shepard and claude and picard. well ok

LAMOST TIME FOR LUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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