Thursday, October 7, 2010


heyyyy gs!

hello did you know i went on a trip and probs most of you didn't even know i was gone really. well maybe you did icr if i told you.

anyways i love one thing in this life and its name is fanfic. hello i wrote a bunch on my trip and now i'm on ch 10 of my mad eye story. i hope a bunch of fic were written while i was gone so i can read them tonight because hello i am hankering for a good one.

ok now raise your hand if you disprove of the goblin game.

*raises hand*

first of all, the goblog fic meme is awesome. and second of all, if gob wants to play his own game, it should be something really hard. and third of all, he didn't even try the game.

fourth of all we love fanfic.

haha that was a great peter/isaac fic.

now here is your cobb/arthur fic.

Mr. Cobb, if you could read me this chart please.”

Arthur pointed to the eye chart, putting the big eye looking through thing in front of Cobb’s face.

“Wow!” Cobb exclaimed. “You’re really good at that!”

“Well thank you, I do have a medical degree,” replied Arthur.

“No not that,” Cobb laughed. “Pointing. Have you ever considered going by “The Point Man”?”

Arthur blushed. “Thank you Mr. Cobb. How kind of you.” He pointed a couple more times. “Now. The eye chart please.”

“Oh yes,” said Cobb and looked at the eye chart.

Arthur paused. Cobb was making the strangest of faces. “…can you not see very well or are you just thinking?” he asked.

“Aha!” Cobb yelled. “You’ve pin-POINTED my problem. Everyone thinks this is my signature face when in reality… Cobb looked confused for a moment. “Reality,” he murmured. He then took a top out of his pocket and spun it. It fell over and he put it back. “In reality,” he continued. “I just have terrible vision.”

“You poor dear,” Arthur sympathized. “Don’t worry, we’ll get you some glasses and then you won’t have that problem.”

“But what if I don’t attract as many men with glasses?!” Cobb gasped in fear.

“I think I’d be okay with that,” said Arthur. “More for me that way.” He licked his lips.

Cobb smiled. “I like where this is going, doctor,” he said seductively.

Arthur quickly scribbled down two things. Then he bent low over Cobb, breathing his hot breath in the patient’s ear. He slid a piece of paper into the man’s hand. “This is your new prescription,” he muttered. “And this,” he tucked the other little note under Cobb’s collar. “Is my phone number. Get some sexy glasses so you’ll be able to read it.”

“Yes, doctor,” Cobb said obediently. He stood up and as he strode from the room Arthur gave him a playful slap on the butt.

ok i want my fic to be...

hiro/daphne. idk anything really.

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