Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Dueling Club

well all i really want in life is for grs to stop sending me facebook messages
gtfo out of my life you dumb school

omg para i have just been stressing over yo prompt the whole day. D: D: idk how to write this!!!!!!!
i was gonna explain what it is to gob but i bet he doesnt even care so why bother

alright now im gonna share my top 10 fave tv characters.

let me say that the other thing i want in life is for my g to get back online so i can get my darn movie sent to me

whoaaa guys it is like 100 percent completely silent in the comp lab right now even tho there are pplenty of other people in here!
this is so beautiful i cant even omg

ok now the thing

10. Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother

9. Rose Tyler from Doctor Who

8. Claire Litteton from Lost

7. Wilfred Mott from Doctor Who

6. Sawyer from Lost

5. Anya Jenkins from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

4. Isaac Mendez from Heroes

3. Amy Pond from Doctor Who

2. Ianto Jones from Torchwood

1. The Doctor (Doctor Who)

omg this girl came in here and now its not silent anymore and she wont shut up and idk what her problem is she's really weird like is she drunk or something or what?


wow here's what i dont wanna do: write this fic
what i want to do instead is watch the darn scream awards

wtfffffff shes like talking to everyone and jsadgklasdgsd aok first of all what is wrong with her brain. second of all why would she be drunk. it's tuesday night. well i guess. idkkkkkkkkk
ughhh its like the opposite of quiet in here because of this 1 girl
omg i feel so bad for this guy sitting next to her
shes being like "can i see your room" blah blah blah omg and he obvs doesnt want to be associating with her

fyoosh i have been assigned a new prompt
ok crisis averted

Alright. Once upon a time, Peter/Emma and Sylar/Claire decided to go on a double date. They went to their favorite restaurant called olive garden.
when it came time to order food, peter order some noods for him and then he ordered soemthing for emma that he thought she might like. emma made a face like tyt that is what i wanted.
next sylar ordered and tired to do the ordering for his woman thing for claire. he picked some he thouht she might like. claire was like WHAT THE and then she ordered something completely the opposite of that. so far pemma was winning the double date game, even though only sylar knew that it was a game. but syclaire would redeem itself, sylar knew.
next game the acticity of making small talk. sylar laughed to himself because how were the other team gonna accomplish this? well turns out peter picked up some sign language so they had this nice little signing convo. sylciare talking about the weather some and it was a snooze. darnitall for them.

ughhhhhh its getting too late ok to be continued
omg i am a failure. sorry

wait idk whyy that was in past tense. w/e

fml here come the asians

wow ok you know when there are some people online and they are just obviously like treally stupid? its like idk they just dont get it, you know? and like you can tell what people are like that and what people are legit? well its like some people i know are good regular people but they dont have the sense installed in them to tell when people are these dumb people. idek


well anyway 1.5 hours till by bday
ok bye

ughhh i cant find a darn title

alright here is something very very very important i forgot to say. it is that in the hp computer game with the dueling club, that was just ok. well i kinda miss that game actually. Also i miss HPM.

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