you know what would suck? if your name was betty. just putting that out there.
omg the best thing has happened to me today called there is a new heroes kink meme! sdgjdklsgjdsklj i love life. except hello there are so many peter/hesam prompts. what even is this? who even likes that? there should be more sylaire methinks.
speaking of fics hello where is gob's fic? it better be done by tomorrow or whenever or there will be SERIOUS consequences.
more speaking of fics...i love them.
and omg i might finally have a title for my mad eyes fic. its really good. also this fic is so long so far dkjdlsgjkds and its probs only like half done dkljlsdkjgsg what was my father involved with?
ok now not speaking of fics but still speaking of writing, the nanowrimo site was relaunched today. so that's awesome. 0 words so far. icqcme!!!!
ok now not speaking of any of that, i'm so hungry right now.
today was an awesome day because i didn't have school and now it feels like saturday night but really its friday night!
the game the game the game
15/25 on the full house one. omg how could i forget mr. bear?
7/10 spanish colors.
ok hello that was the old game and the new game is you post a prompt and fill the old one.
first prompt: sylar/peter. "did you have to blow up the WHOLE city?"
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