Friday, October 29, 2010

The Golden Goose

heyyyyyyy gs!!!

wassup just chillin

actually i was just chillin and then i remembered i had to post so i was about to do that but then i saw that heroes was on tv so i had to plop down and watch that and i also saw that lauren was online and i haven't talked to her in foreves. so actually let me try that again.

wassup just chillin and postin and watchin heroes and talkin to lauren.

-_- am i squinting or

ok well let us get to the meat of the post.

the meat of the post will be me talking about the concert i went to last night because i can just not contain how awesome it was. if reading about the concert will make you insanely jealous and hate me forever

*cough cough* hob *cough*

skip this part please.


well idk if you still care about him actually.

ok NOW skip this part....

alright well there's only one thing to say and that is that it was awesome. it was like slkdjglskjg i wanted to die because of how awesome it was.

wait first let me show you this pic that was taken of me when i was waiting in line. they told me they would put it on their website and and they did apparently. i was going for creeper and i'm pretty sure i succeeded.


ok you know those pictures that people photoshop creeper pictures of people into like they are creeping. i want some with this pic of me in them.

are you on the list?

ok sorry just had to say that.

ok actually i will make a list.

it will be entitled:
the differences between this concert and the last concert i went to which also happened to be mcs and then i will tell you if they were good or bad

*no hobby (bad)
*no anyone actually (bad)
*say anything (good)
*good warm up bands (good)
*saw msc's star (good)
*they played pulp fiction (good)
*they showed their new music video for life less ordinary that i wasn't in (good)

well ok there were more differences but i'm bored of making a list.

haha someone threw justin pierre a dinosaur hat and he wore it and he asked if he could keep it.

also i bought a shirt! also i wore it today! also it is awesome!

ok well i have a TON to do in this post so i will have to stop there even though i could go one for forevs and evs end evs. but ok let me just say that it was awesome AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU OUT THERE MISSED OUT. I EVEN HAD AN EXTRA TICKET YOU GLUG. I WOULD HAVE GIVEN IT AWAY. WTF WERE YOU THINKING.

ok you can stop ignoring me now.


don't hate me because i'm beautiful.

wait ok this ep is almost over. when its done i'll go downstairs so

ok now i am downstairs.

ok well i was gonna say that now on youtube if you type in "chocolatemo" my username comes up. as hob illustrates for us here.

but i guess you already knew that!

well it makes me feel slightly more popular.

ok lets see. halloween on sunday! whooo. gs can i just say we have not talked about halloween hardly at all. do we just not like this holiday or.

if you wondered what i'm being for halloween, i'm being a chicken.

if you wondered what i'm doing for halloween, i'm knocking on doors to get free candy. and freaking out about nanowrimo.

what you probably didn't wonder is if i secretly had a secret halloween project. the answer to this question is yes, but a small one i didn't really finish. ok but since this is my last post before halloween, i will show it to ya anyway.

hook yourselves up:

vampire sylar.

another one:

werewolf peter.

werewolf simone. it had to be done.

i'm sorry. i couldn't not.

idk what this is...

happy halloween gsssssss

wow i still have to write hob's fic. i'd better get cracking.

ok btw i am so sad that this is my last october post because i love the game.

Chicken was feeling slightly feverish. Perhaps she was coming down with the bird flu. Perhaps she had eaten something that didn't agree with her. Whatever it was, it was ailing her.

"Whatever is wrong?" Eduardo asked her, patting her little chicken head.

"Buck buck buck buck," she responded.

Eduardo nodded sympathetically. "Oh I see," he said sadly.

"Buck buck buuuuuuck," Chicken added.

"Here," said Eduardo. "Let me help you... SNICKERS!" He tossed her a big pile of snickers.

"Buck buck," said Chicken, turning her beak up at the candy.

"Oh, are you feeling under the weather?" Eduardo realized. "You should have said so. How insensitive of me."

"Buck buck buck buck buck," Chicken agreed.

"How about...let's see," Eduardo rummaged through the cupboard. "Um... chicken noodle soup?"

"BUCK!" Chicken screamed.

"Oh okay," said Eduardo. "Well that's all I've got it would appear. How's about I throw on Moulin Rouge and we'll snuggle?"

"Buck buck." That sounded good to Chicken. "Can you make popcorn?" she added as an afterthought.

let's see my last prompt...

i could go for...

the multifandom hair showdown

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