Friday, August 20, 2010

Autographs & Apologies

Okay, I have an apology to say first. Sorry I didn't post yesterday! D: It's just I had a really really sucky day and I planned to finish my post when i got home from band practice but then my mom called and said I had to find a ride home. And when I got home the house was locked and I had to wait outside foreverrrrr for everyone to get home. And when I got home I had a bunch of homework to do and by the time I got it all done my mom wanted me to go to bed. Blehh school has been sucking so much so far. =/ I did text para and hob though to see if they could post for me but neither of them responded. D:

Okay I'm feeling really lazy so I'm just going to post a bunch of pics here:

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