Friday, April 26, 2013

duel to the death with the goat

Hey gs.

Aw g I wish I was in Duluth.

You know what's great is watching episodes of Spider-Man TNAS and then listening to Dr. Horrible songs because then it sounds like Peter Parker is singing them.

Wow it was so warm today.

How do you switch back to the old email writing thing? Although what's really the point if its only temporary?

Wow as bad as it probably is to be taking a test and realizing you should have studied more, it's also kind of annoying when you're taking a test and you're like wow this is super easy I could have studied a lot less I could have been doing so many things

Wow I'm so mad at my friend he is pretty much dead to me. Also right now he's being like Noah where you try to make one little joke and he gets so mad and takes like so much offense by everything you say even if you are just trying to lighten the mood wow I can't not make jokes idk what you want from me

Hob there are hundreds of characters in that book you dumby

Aw g what did you buy with your amazon money though

Oh okay well they look good to me but idk I never really try very hard to draw good shoes.

Yeah that is the best part of Thor's hair. But bleh idk why everyone is like losing their shit about Loki's hair like what it only looks a tiny bit longer to me and it looks like this glug mess. You should be losing your shit about Thor's hair because do you see how much longer it is and how beautiful it is and have you seen his beautiful hairstyle and tiny braids???

Iron Man 3 hasn't come out in the US yet. It comes out May 3.

I think I'm probably going to do the take home essay but I guess I'll wait to see the prompts before I decide.

Here Hob I drew you a pic of Spock.

Aw g I had to go check what you were telling me to be calm about and that darn reminded me about it so NOW I AM SCREAMING AGAIN BECAUSE THAT SUIT OF COURSE I JUST HAD TO LOOK AT THOSE PICS AGAIN WOW SO BEAUTIFUL

Tyt about my pics Hob. Wow I didn't think that close up of Peter was very good idk like I had considered putting it in my post before that one but I was like nah this isn't good but then I just went for it last time because I didn't care but okay.

Yeah I guess it could be kind of sad but but I was thinking Peter was just unconscious like not dead or too badly hurt. Also it's still cute to me because I like when people carry Peter haha

Who's your friend g?

Aw g I really want Panera idk when the last time I had Panera was. The only time that's coming to mind if when my friends and I went to Panera right after we had just seen The Amazing Spider-Man. Bleh I wish it was that day instead of this one.

That's such a beautiful pic g!!!

Yeah I know what you're talking about g like in one of my classes there are always some questions from the book  on the test and like I always read the book and I try to study the chapters but every time I end up getting some of those questions wrong because they are like on these specific little things and I just can't remember every specific detail like who can even do that?

Wow Gob that's a lot of events and by the way thanks for telling me when the 4th of July is!!!!

Tyt Gob and uh tbh it doesn't take me that long usually but it depends on the pic idk like I don't try that hard to make things look good? Like I just enjoy drawing things so once it's sufficiently drawn I just want to move on to drawing something else idk.

Me I have five more school days plus two or three finals.

Wow icqcme for the Spider-Man and Deadpool team up in Deadpool #10!!!! It looks like it's gonna be awesome!!! Plus they are so matching now cute!!!!

Hmm apparently Joss Whedon said that Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver are going to be in Avengers 2. Well at least he said there's going to be a brother and sister and everyone is jumping to that it's Wanda and Pietro and I guess they are the only ones I can think of so that makes sense plus they were Avengers pretty early on in the continuity. To be honest I don't really care for them although I do ship them with each other p hard. Also it will be good to have another woman. But there are other characters I would rather have like Black Panther or Carol Danvers.

That reminds me of this really stupid article I read one time where it was like  "women I don't want to join the Avengers in the MCU" and it was pretty much ALL THE WOMEN like Scarlet Witch was definitely in there, also Carol, She-Hulk, Tigra, and idk what I pretty much got from that was "I hate women."

Hmm one thing I am wondering about the Thor trailer is if there is this big threat to Earth, where are the Avengers?  Although I guess the same goes for Iron Man 3 like why can't Tony call any of the Avengers to help him?

Wow I was studying for a test yesterday and I was reading the definition for pathos which is suffering that exists simply to satisfy the sentimental or morbid sensibilities of the audience and right as I read that I stubbed my toe on my chair and I felt very angry at my audience because I know they wanted that for me so it's all their fault.

It occurred to me the other day that a lot of people in like the Avengers fandom in particular and don't  understand Spider-Man at all like even people who love The Amazing Spider-Man because like in so many fics where Spider-Man meets the Avengers it's just all wrong. Like a lot of people have him as this like starstruck guy who's completely intimidated by the Avengers and okay different interpretations of character sure but its SO different from how Spider-Man interacted with the Avengers and other superheroes when he first met them like a lot of times he would be annoyed by them and would act really belligerent towards them I mean this guy called Thor names and insulted Iron Man. Like okay yeah Spider-Man is just a kid congratulations you know that but he's not going to act like a kid when he's being Spider-Man like he's not going to act intimidated like that because when's he's got the mask on he doesn't care what anything fucking thinks of him like he can say whatever he want because he's like a troll on the internet and they don't know where he lives.

Also going off of that a lot of people REALLY have Captain America wrong. Captain America is not stupid. He can figure out technology okay he's not going to be afraid of it. AND TOASTERS WERE INVENTED IN LIKE THE 1920s!!! Also he is not afraid to swear and he's not sexist or racist or homophobic goddammit.

Wow the other day Joy's alarm went off in the morning and she wasn't even in the fucking room so I had to get up and climb up to her bed and turn it off myself.

Also two times this week I thought I had to leave for my first class half an hour before I actually did so I got ready half an hour early and the first time I even made it halfway down the stairs before I realized wow I think I need a break.

Gob I saw this cute pic of a cute rat and thought of you.

Time for piccies!!! I guess I will say what's in them again.

Well I drew this pic a while ago but I don't think I eve posted it?? This is Superior vs Amazing I guess??? Sort of??? Well you can clearly see what it is.

Okay this pic I forgot to put in my last post.  This is Peter and Johnny obviously. I think every Spidey pairing needs an upside down kiss.
I asked Karl what I should draw and he said "Thor and Wolverine playing chess? while Manhattan is getting destroyed in the background? by giant robots?" so

This pic isn't approp for Gob but it is Johnny and Peter doi
Here's MJ and Gwen. They can't quite contain their laughter!
Peter and Johnny again because they just can't keep their hands off each other.
The ever adorable Peter Parker.

Peter and Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel!!!!

Peter and Wade Wilson/Deadpool
Haha icqcml because I saw this pic that was like this but with real children and it reminded me of Peter's team in Ultimate Spider-Man so I just had to draw it as them. Except no Ava oh well. Okay from left to right: Sam Alexander/Nova, Luke Cage/Power Man, Peter Parker/Spider-Man, and Danny Rand/Iron Fist.
Okay Hob you requested a sad pic and this is it. It's Peter and Gwen if you couldn't figure that out... AND GWEN IS DEAD

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