Friday, April 6, 2012


heyy gs. i'm just chillin' here with a kitty on my lap.

oh yeah and happy passover!!!!! we just had our seder at our temple tonight but we're having a seder again at home with the family.

top 10 passover foods:
1. charosets
2. matzah ball soup
3. lamb
4. matzah
5. hard boiled eggs
6. that fruit jelly candy thing
7. grape juice
8. macaroons
9. parsley dipped in saltwater
10. horseradish

top 10 letters:
1. i
2. p
3. o
4. d
5. z
6. x
7. k
9. m
10. g

top 10 months:
1. june
2. november
3. july
4. december
5. may
6. september
7. january
8. august
9. feburary
10. march

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