Monday, April 30, 2012

chicken fried rice

ahhh how did it get to be 10:48 already?  blehh i just wasted so much time playing this stupid game on my ipod instead of doing this blog post.  oh well i still have 12 minutes before i go to bed.  now 11.

i still don't get what sharon needles is from or why you would even like that person... :S

Top 10 times of the day:
1.  12:00 am (i don't know if i got these backwards or not because sometimes i get confused but that should be midnight)

2.  1:00 am

3.  2:00 am

4.  3:00 am

5.  3:15 pm

6.  5:00 pm

7.  9:00 pm

8.  10:00 pm
9.  6:00 am

10.  12:00 pm

Top 10 people on your favorite show at the moments that's not Supernatural:
1.  Marshall
2.  Barney
3.  Ranjitt
4.  Lilly
5.  Robin
6.  Hurley
7.  Ted's daughter
8.  Ted's son
9.  Ted's wife
10. Ted

idek why i did this show if there are only really a couple people i actually like on it but whatever.

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