Thursday, April 5, 2012

red cat at morning

Hey gs!

Well today was a pretty good day! My conference was really simple and easy and I found a dog!

Wow Gob how can you hate mice?!?!? They are so cute and adorable. I still want an ep where Sam and Dean are turned into mice!!!!!!

There was once a point in my life where dead and alive mice kept turning up in my room and I still don't hate them so that just shows you how great mice are.

Something awesome happened today where I was just browsing through someone's links on delicious and I saw my very own fic that I had written! That was so crazy!!! Also they had tagged it with like fav or something so that was cool. It was the fic that Hob has still not read I think though so maybe she should do that because she promised she would read it!

Top 10 reasons I hate mice
1. I don't hate mice!
2. There hasn't been an episode where Sam and Dean are turned into mice. Yet.
3. I don't like to eat them! Hahahahahaha! (I say this as I stuff a mouse into my mouth and swallow it whole)
4. Mice can spread diseases I guess
5. That one chapter in one of those wayside school books where there is a dead mouse inside a coat or something (?) scared me as a child. Wait I think that was a dead rat actually so never mind.
6. This isn't a reason but there were mice in Supernatural one time in Bedtime Stories. And there have been rats I think.
7. This isn't a reason either but rats are not the same thing as mice so I don't know why I keep talking about them.
8. The mouse on Tom and Jerry is really mean to the cat. (I don't know which one is Tom and which one is Jerry)
9. They could beat you in a race probably
10. They are evil

Top 10 holidays and special occasions
1. Supernatural
2. Thanksgiving
3. Halloween
4. Passover
5. Christmas
6. Hannukah
7. Pi day
8. May 2nd
9. My birthday
10. 4th of July

Top 10 months
1. November
2. October
3. December
4. September
5. June
6. May
7. April
8. August
9. January
10. July

Top 10 letters
1. a
2. s
3. z
4. n
5. q
6. x
7. g
8. o
9. t
10. b

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