Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Felix Felicis

Wow this has been such an awesome week so far!!!! Do you girls want to know why? Well I'll tell you anyways even if you don't care.

On Monday I realized I had forgotten to do my vocab assignment that was due. Lucky for me though, my English teacher decided not to grade it this week! Then in computer class I found out that MUSE IS COMING TO OHIO AND ST. LOUIS WHICH ARE BOTH REALLY CLOSE TO ME!!!! Then for the second half of my geometry class, Mrs. Seddlemeyer was not there and a sub that I really like came in. The new stuff we learned in Chemistry was easy, and in band we didn't have to do anything.

Then today, I was on the Human Rights Day field trip for the entire day! It was really great! Haha they basically let you do whatever you want during the field trip and there were only like 3 adults who went so if we wanted to we wouldn't of had to go to like any of the lectures at all! My friend John and I did go to the lectures though. They were sorta interesting I guess. Blehh the only bad thing about the field trip was that these 2 glug freshmen hung out with us. Usually I am cool with freshmen, I mean 2 of my best friends are freshmen, but these glugs were so annoying. D: Oh well. Inbd. Oh also for lunch I had pizza! Yum! And also another good thing about today was I got to go straight home from school because the Knowledge Masters practice was canceled!

Ahh the Knowledge Masters tournament will be so fun! You hardly actually do any work! You just as a group answer these random trivia questions (though I usually just sit back and eat food.) The teacher who does it gives pretty much an endless supply of square donuts, chips, and soda! And I get out of my first three classes too!

Oh, and sadly I won't be watching Lost tonight. My mom is in Indianapolis for something. D: But I will will watch it for sure tomorrow night!

And now here is the game:

Day 7: a picture that makes you happy:

This picture is just too cute! :D

Day 8: a picture that makes you sad:

This picture is just too sad. It is sad because Elle is dead, and because Sylar is sad that he killed Elle.

Day 9: a picture you took:

This is a picture I took with my phone of CM at the airport on the moving sidewalks with cool lights on the ceiling. Haha it's really blurry but I think it gives off a really cool effect being like that

Day 10: a photo of you taken over ten years ago:

This is a picture of a Goblin, a Parasite, a Hobbit, a Company Man, a Grand Poobah, a Seth and a Nathan. haha it didn't say the photo had to only have me! This pic is so beautiful!

Well I don't have a recent picture of me at the moment and I am too lazy to find a camera to take one or see if there are any pictures of me on there. Haha that's great that for once we all did the exact same days of the game!

Okay now my post is done. Byeeeee.

Oh wait, nvm! I have one last thing to say! I randomly decided tonight or if not tonight sometime this week I am going to try to watch the entire A Very Potter Musical on youtube! icqcme!!! I will say what I think of it in my next post! Also Hob, I promise I will watch some more Torchwood this week, though I will not be talking about that in my post because I don't think Para would like that.

Okay, now bye for real. Byeeeee.


  1. GOB there were some great things in this post! I will tell ya some of them:
    *that darn silly picture
    *also that silly pics of comp man
    *a very potter musical

  2. nice post gob!

    hahaha i love that pic! we should try to reenact it when we see you people in like a month! that would be AWESOME!

    haha i love the picture that makes you sad also. sylar's shirt looks so cool with that blood.

  3. Hob- tyt for liking those things!

    Para- tyt for liking my post! haha and yeah we should reenact that picture. that would be so great.

    also that would be so great if there was a shirt that looked like the one sylar is wearing...except not real blood. xD

  4. wow girl! oops this is not really bad robot, i just accidentally commented as her because she was logged into gmail. this is goblin.
