Sunday, April 11, 2010


And Gob is back from Disney World! I had an absolutely amazing time! I didn't take lots of pictures but my friend Marena took lots of pictures and once she finds her camera I will share some of them with you! Maybe I can get them by my next blog post!

Ahhh I missed this blog! I am so glad to be back! Thank you turtle very much Comp Man for filling in for me! You did a pretty good job too! And I have ended every sentence so far with an exclamation mark!

Haha okay I'll stop now. So the first thing I'm going to do is play a bunch of the game since I am still just on day 2.

Day 3: My favorite television program

I love a lot of television programs, such as Heroes, and Doctor Who, but my favorite television program of all time would have to be LOST.

Why do I love Lost so much?

It has great and exciting mysteries such as smoke monsters, mysterious native people, and polar bears and it can be suspenseful.

It has great comic relief at times and can be funny.

It can be emotional and sad.

It has cliffhangers and can be surprising.

Ahhh well I gtg. Sorry Hob and Para. My mom is making me go to bed. =/ Don't worry though, I'm sure this week there will be great posts from me! :D Cya!