Friday, April 16, 2010

Spock's Brain

heeeeeey gs!!!!

girls guess what!!!! well i got a sylar action figure for my bday you know, and so today i opened up the thing and also i opened my spock action figure i got several months ago because he was waiting for this guy to arrive! so, i took them out of their boxes, and this is what happened:

first, sylar immediately tried to kill spock.
but spock got the better of him and got sylar at phaser-point.
sylar managed to escape this predicament and pinned spock down, with the intent of cutting open his head and eating his brain.
however, spock began to seduce sylar...
and then...

hahaha girls did you like that?

(the girl in the background holding the men was our very own hobbit!)

but girls guess what else i got for my bday!? 50 whole dollars with which i plan to buy various things from the internet! also 20 extra dollars for just amazon! and i accidentally have like 20 amazon dollars from my last birthday, so i now have about 90 dollars to spend on the internet! i wonder if anyone has any suggestions as to what i should buy!

okay dears, now i have a little video that i made for you. here it is:

hahaha do you like that, girls?

nooooow...philo qs!!!

1. Does a 10-pound bag of flour make a really big biscuit?
Well, no. Because I also think you would need A LOT of baking powder, butter, salt, milk, etc.

2. Are you a robot, or an alien?
I would say I am an alien, because I look up once in a while.

3. My name is Daniel Faraday?
No, your name is Daniel Widmore?

4. Who dares disturb me!?!?!?
Girl idk. Why did I even ask this question?

5. Where'd the man in horn rimmed glasses hide a child so odd?
Well, first he was hiding her in Texas, then he was going to hide her in Canada or something. Then he was hiding her in Costa Verde, then they were going to Utah or something, but that didn't happen, then he hid her in Stephen Canfield's house but she got shot, and then really no more hiding after that, methinks.

6. If an invisible man catches fire, can you see him burn?
Methinks you can not. This is quite troublesome because what if your partner is an invisible man and you are trying to bag and tag a woman with pyrokinesis, so you storm in at night and there is a fire fight, and the place goes up like kindling!? What then!? You're partner may be burning and you would not even know it! But good news, because you would have a brand spanking new baby! And you would do everything in your power to keep this child safe. And methinks your partner would turn out to be alright actually, so you would ask him if he knows how to change a diaper, but he has no clue, although he could use a change of underpants himself.

7. Do you enjoy science fiction?
Why, yes I do! It is my very favorite kind of fiction! How did you know?!

8. Tell me, Claire, can you keep a secret?
Oh girl no. It's like you used to think that Claire could keep a secret, but then she goes and spills the beans and jumps off of a ferris wheel. What a glug.

9. When's the last time you took a bath?
Just pretend that "bath" means the same thing as "shower."

Isaac: Bath, what's that? Oh, those things Simone makes me take sometimes? Not since she died. :(

Elle: Nah I don't like participate in those cause they make me shock myself. So I stink!

Desmond: Me too girl! Uptop! *attempts to give Elle a high five*
Elle: *sniffs the Desmond fumes and faints*

Peter: Just a sec ago.

Sylar: Right now! Here I go!... OH MAN! PETER YOU USED UP ALL THE HOT WATER! D:
Peter: Aah sorry!
Sylar: Grrrrr...why does it take you so long to take a shower?
Peter: Well, you see every time I wash my hair it is a very long and complicated process. You see, I first use my special shampoo, and since I have a lot of hair, as you can see, shampooing my hair can take up to 10 minutes. Then I use a leave in conditioner, which MUST be kept in for at least 20 minutes. Then I have three different special products, all of which must thoroughly be massaged through my scalp. As you can see by this chart I have prepared. So that's altogether, see the footnotes, that's another 30 minutes right there. Then after rinsing, I carefully comb every strand. That takes about 10 minutes. And then blow drying, that's another 30.
Sylar: okay-
Peter: And THEN comes the styling process. I use a special gel and carefully make my hair look the perfect amount of emo. It takes me about 20 minutes to get it just right.
Sylar: *does some quick math* that's only 2 hours. You were in there for at least two and half hours.
Peter: Ah, well I spend half an hour simply admiring myself.
Sylar: With the hot water running?
Peter: Yup.
Sylar: ...I'm going to shower at a motel from now on.

10. What is the most embarrassing way to die?
Haha. Hmm let's see. I think being killed by a baby would be pretty embarrassing because babies have no combat skills, usually. Unless it is that giant baby in Rugrats! That baby is so huge! He could probably crush your head in between his toes like a tiny walnut! Oh man that would be really embarrassing. I would never live that down! hahahaha I'd think I'd die!

ok the game! the game!

day 6: whatever tickles your fancy

what the? what in tarn is that supposed to mean!??!?!?!

bleh idk.

bleh i hate this one.

bleh i can't think of anything!

bleh this is taking so long!

okay girls im just gonna share with you my desktop background because i can't think of anything else plus i'm rather excited that i can one one of these babies again.

ok here it is:

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