Wednesday, August 15, 2012

cat in love

Hey gs.

Bleh I hate Noah.  It's like I spent pretty much the whole day making a darn birthday cake for my mother and it was like this complicated process with all these parts and it was a lot of work and all Noah had to do was make hard boiled eggs and the whole time he complained and grumped around and angrily spilled water everywhere and just did the deed with so much spite like he was so mad he had to do this one little thing that took two minutes and is as simple as putting eggs in a pot and adding water and putting it on the stove.  And also he fucked it up because he didn't pay attention enough to put the eggs in at the right time so they didn't get cooked for the good amount of time and then they were not cooked quite right and he just had one job!!!!

Bleh last night I saw a huge spider in my room so then I had to sleep on the porch but then the sun woke me up in the morning.  That was glug.  I still haven't found the spider yet though so idk what I am going to do.  Well I found a spider and I killed it but idk if it was the right one and now I don't want to sleep on my bed again because it could still be in here and I accidentally already packed my blankets.

Wow Hob what gave you the impression that now posts could be shorter than a foot?  Well idk but this is the end of the era of not posting and making glug posts.  We're going to stop doing that and we're going to start caring about our blog again!!!

See this great  post with so much complaining and whining?  Just like the old days!!!

Happy my mother's birthday.
Happy LOST day.
Happy the last day that I have to do the dishes before I leave!!!

Hahaha last night I was watching old videos that I made and I found one I made a few years ago for school or something and it's about some case to save the whales or something and its about five minutes long and at the end of the video there's like two minutes of a picture of whales with sad music.

Wow today I saw a person that was like talking about Mystery Spot and they were like "the whole episode is just hilarious." Bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh!!!!  Okay it's like yeah I agree parts of that ep are funny (mostly the beginning) but it gets pretty not funny pretty quickly and there are definitely some parts in that episode that if you think they are hilarious you are a very sick person probably.  Like I don't know...Dean dying in Sam's arms while Sam cries...Sam becoming cold and obsessive to try to get Dean back and resorting to murder of innocent humans...Sam begging to get his brother back... I'm having trouble seeing how any of those things are hilarious.

Today I almost died because I was carrying dishes over to the sink and for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to hold the blade of the food processor on top of another dish with my arm on top of it but then as the other dish moved as I picked it up it was going to force the blade into my arm and kill me but luckily I caught the dish before it could happen but it was a close call.

Okay well this is a post.

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