Monday, February 22, 2010


Hello girls! This SHOULD be a really good and long post because I started on this post at 1:04 A.M. but who knows what could happen. I could be attacked by a killer bear and not be able to finish this post! But the chances of that happening are very slim.

Ahhhh I need like 300 more songs to meet my goal this month of reaching 4000 songs. I don't know what I should download though!!!! Please leave suggestions people, preferably suggestions of bands or albums! Hopefully I will be able to meet this goal and then afterward next month's goal can be to reach 5000 songs! Haha I have so much music I haven't even listened to but I just really like the idea of having a huge collection of music for a bunch of reasons.

1. So that I can choose from virtually any songs to listen to without using the internet to listen to them
2. So that if one of my friends tells me about a good song or band, chances are even if I haven't listened to it, I'll have it on my computer and iPod
3. It is fun to brag about how many songs you have downloaded.
4. Finding new songs I have never heard before is a fun game.

Haha I wonder how long it will take for me to not have any more really good stuff to put on there and I will be putting just a bunch of random junk on there. Probably quite a long while. I have a very wide range of music that I like. Classic rock, pop rock, indie, metal, jazz, classical, hip-hop, you name it and I probably have it. I was looking through my iPod and I have some really hilarious genres of music on it! I'll give a reward to whoever can guess the most bands that I have in these genres! Just send your guesses in an email to me.

-Dark Pop Zombie Hip-Hop
-F***ing A, Right
-General Emo
-General Indie Pop
-Holiday Wizard Rock

Yesterday I was bored and didn't feel like doing research on finding actual good songs so I just downloaded a bunch of songs from this list titled, "Top 220 Most Annoying Songs to Get Stuck in your Head" XD

Okay, enough of me boring you to tears about my music. I'm going to talk about something else now.

Blehhh today is Monday. I am really not looking forwards to school. D: I hate Mondays just about as much as I hate Sundays. They always go by so slowly and I'm so tired by the end of them because I have jazz band rehearsal from 3:30 to 5 on Mondays too. We were supposed to get a ton of snow tonight but all we got is rain. =/ I was really hoping for a 2 hour delay or snow day. Oh well. Hopefully today at school won't be TOO bad.

brb, I'm having troubles staying awake, and my mouth is really dry. I'm going to go get some...Vanilla Coke! :D

Okay girls, I'm back. Yummmmm! Vanilla Coke is amazing! I just took one sip and I already feel better! Haha apparently I am not really drinking Vanilla Coke though. I'm drinking Coca-Cola Vanilla. lol. Vanilla Coke was discontinued in the US as of 2006. D: That would have sucked for there to be no Vanilla coke any more and have to wait until they start making it again. You know what I miss? French Toast Crunch. I used to love how it was actually shaped like little pieces of French Toast! Cinnamon Toast Crunch is still really good but it is still nowhere near as amazing as the original French Toast Crunch. Ahh oh well.

Okay so I’m writing this part of my blog post at school because I am bored and I won’t have much time to write when I get home. Haha right now I’m watching this weird movie in Spanish class called “Max is Missing”. For fun I’m going to try to see how many times in the movie “Max is Missing” is said by the characters! Maybe that will make this movie a bit more interesting. That will be so disappointing if no one ever says those exact words. Haha that was awesome. This bad guy threw a rock at a guy made him fall easily 50 feet down a cliff. There’s no blood though! And he’s still alive! Oh wait, he just died but still, there should have been some blood.

This movie is so stupid! Here are some examples of what the kid Max, the main character said during an action scene:
This is intense!
The big rapids?!?!?!?!?
Oh no!
Max is so annoying and his dad reminds me of Ben Linus’ dad so he’s annoying to. The dad’s girlfriend reminds me of Eden so she is annoying and the bad guy treasure hunters are annoying. There are no good characters in this movie!

Okay so far this Monday hasn’t been too bad. It’s just been boring. At least I had a sub in Spanish class so I could fall asleep without the teacher caring. Aw girl, I didn’t get to count how many times “Max is missing” was said! Inbd though, I feel so much more refreshed now! Blehhh this is really boring. Maybe later today I’ll think of something interesting to write.

Nope. This is still boring. I’m watching a dumb hockey movie in history class. D: Well it’s better than doing work at least. I fell asleep during it though and now I feel all drowsy from sleeping in two classes back to back. =/

Now I just got done with history class and I’m in chemistry. It’s really boring right now too. Except there is no movie playing. I think in just a little bit I’ll ask my chemistry teacher if I can go to the library. I’m going to get a new book and either get on the computer and listen to music or read and listen to music. That should make this day a little more enjoyable. Nope. The library is closed. -_- I have no idea why they have so many meetings and things in it and when I most want to go in there it is closed! It’s like encouraging kids not to read! Lol.

Blehhhh I'm so sorry this post is such a snore. It's just I had a really boring long and sucky Monday at school and when I got home I had a massive headache and slept until like 7. Then I had dinner and went back to bed again and I woke up at like 10. I'm so sorry you had to read through this boring post. Next post will be better. I promise. Haha I thought this was going to be such a great blog post since I started it so early. I guess not. I promise next post will be awesome! Now I must go back to studying chemistry. =/ Good night everyone. Cya Thursday.

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