Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Remedy to Cure All Ills

Hey everyone! I have had such a great week so far! Monday there was the great Heroes season 4 finale plus the promise of season 5, plus Monday was not sucky at all like Mondays are a lot of the time, and yesterday I had a 2 hour delay because of snow so the day went by so fast, and it was such a great episode of Lost (more on that later) and then today i had another a 2 hour delay and i have another tomorrow!! Para and Hob, I am sorry you feel so bitter about me having so much 2 hour delays and snow days and stuff. D: It is not my fault though! It's the superintendent Danny Tanoose's (haha that's such a funny name, and easy to rhyme with! Candy Caboose, Danny Da Goose, Sandy Da Moose, etc.) fault so complain to him! Write him a huge long hateful letter on why it is not fair that we get so many 2 hour delays and snow days! Haha jj, you probably should not do that.

Okay first off, I'll start with this. Earlier this night Para you were complaining so much about you were bored! So I decided I'd make a nice long random list of things you can (or anyone else) do as a remedy for when you're bored!

-Watch a TV Show
-Watch a movie
-Read a book
-Write a story
-Listen to a podcast
-Listen to an album you have never listened to before
-Homestar Runner
-Garfield Minus Garfield
-Make a feast
-Draw something
-Surf through lolcats
-Surf in Hawaii! haha jj
-Ponder on why it is even called surfing when you are just looking at a website.
-Send a nice long email to your cousin named Gob
-Play in the snow
-Play a card game
-Make a card game
-Play a boardgame
-Make a boardgame
-Act out a TV show episode
-Watch TV
-Watch the QVC shopping channel
-Prank call the QVC shopping channel
-Save the cheerleader, save the world
-Go on a flight from Sydney to L.A. and crash on a mysterious island
-Tickle a polar bear
-Press the random article button on a wiki on read whatever comes up (regular, heroes, lost, etc.)
-Leave a message on It's this website that has these letters like the magnet letters on kitchen fridges and anyone can move them around however they want!
-Spend 108 minutes ranting about something.
-Have some fun with cheese in a can
-Have a marathon of watching a certain tv show or certain set of movies
-Read all the way through this awesome list
-Throw a party
-Kill a man
-Kill a woman
-Kill a child
-Kill a polar bear
-Download some new music
-Get on Facebook
-Write a letter and send it in the mail
-Sail around the world in a race
-Push the button in the hatch every 108 minutes
-Become a monk
-Be as awesome as Desmond is
-Go see a movie in theaters
-Hug someone
-Play Wii
-Prank call someone
-Come to Indiana to visit your cousin named Gob
-Pretend to be a fictional character all day
-Practice something
-Count to 1000
-Read the dictionary and find cool big words that make you sound intelligent and sophisticated
-Do jumping jacks
-Write a story
-Read a newspaper
-Do a crossword puzzle
-Do a Sudoko
-Count sheep
-Play Addicting online flash games
-Jump on a trampoline
-Find out what your heartbeat is
-Take a bunch of quizzes
-Go through this list and see if I've repeated anything (I probably have)
-Spam someone's Facebook account
-Go on a treasure hunt for spare change around your house until you have enough to buy something
-Have a "Who is less competitive" competition. Trying to win at this will make you lose. Trying to to lose makes you win which makes you lose. Not trying at all makes you lose which makes you win which makes you lose.
-Build a fort
-Redesign your room
-Slide on the floor in socks
-Play a musical instrument
-Hide a secret message somewhere in your house
-Street perform for cash
-Waste hours of your life trying to beat this highly annoying game.
-Gather a pile of old books, close your eyes, toss out the books one by one, and read the last one remaining cover to cover in one sitting
-Got to Walmart and try to get kicked out
-Go for a bike ride
-Do something normal except do it upside down as a challenge
-Make some cool playlists for your iPod
-Ponder on philosophical questions like "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?"
-Make waffles
-Have staring contests. If you don't have a person to do it against just find a picture of a person on google and stare at them and see if you can beat them!
-Have rock paper scissor contests.
-Have thumb war contests
-Make sock puppets
-Look at clouds
-Count the stars
-Every time you say the word definitely, spell it out
-Learn random facts and share them with people
-Bake cookies
-Watch TV upside down for an entire show
-See how many licks it actually takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop.

-Make a big list of things to do when bored.

There! Now you can not complain to me about being bored anymore Para!

Aw girl, I have so many quizzes to take. Yay I just finished! Here are the results:
What Kind of Serial Killer Would You Be?
Your Result: Disorganized and Mission-Oriented

You'd be an impulsive killer. You'll murder when the oppourtunity arises, then leave the body where you killed it. You'll evade capture not through intelligence, but through constant movement.
You'll have a specific reason to kill. You'll target a specific group, like prostitutes or members of a minority, and you'll believe their deaths are justified on the grounds that you're "cleansing" the earth of that particular kind of people. You'll think you're helping society.

Disorganized Visionary

Organized and Mission-Oriented

Disorganized and Gain-Oriented

Disorganized and Hedonistic

Organized Visionary

Organized and Hedonistic

Organized and Goal-Oriented

What Kind of Serial Killer Would You Be?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Haha everyone has gotten this. I wonder if it's rigged.

Okay, well I don't feel like writing a whole huge review/recap like I did for the Lost season 6 premiere so I will just write a good old fashioned list of things about episode 6x03 "What Kate Does".


Claire!! We finally got to see her again, both in the universe where the plane didn't crash and on the island. But it looks like on the island she gone crazy and has gotten "infected", whatever that means. She reminds me of Rosseau. A crazy woman with a gun who's been stranded on the island for a long time and lost her baby.

Haha I love it when Hurley asked Sayid if he was a zombie. Maybe he is! o_0

That was so special to see the puppet master from Heroes as the taxi cab driver of Kate and Claire.

Even though I HATE Juliet, it's so sad to see Sawyer being such a downer. =[ But at least on the brights side, maybe Juliet's death will make him resort back to some of his season 1 ways and then maybe he will fall back in love with Kate!

I really like how this season is going back to a lot of season 1 stuff, a bunch of the classic Lost characters being back on the show in the flash sideways scenes, the on island stuff being back to just the normal characters and the others (no freighter or Dharma people), Claire possibly being a Rosseau like character, and there are probably a ton of other similarities too.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, on this blog post I added some labels for fun. I think it would be cool to add humorous labels to all of our posts! Maybe we could go back and label each others old posts. What do you girls think?

Finally, here is a little thing for you to enjoy.

Cya Friday!

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