Saturday, February 27, 2010

Out Of Time

haha ok that was fun! now i will type stuff though because i am running out of time! aaaaah ok im gonna play quizballs one last time.

aaaaah i was gonna take more quizzes than that but i spent all my time looking for a good heroes power one! D: and now i am running out of timeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaah

ok everyone should go here:


haha hob i have 446 youtube faves now and here is my version of your thing:

lost, then heroes heroes heroes heroes heroes. lol

aaaaah i am out of time! arrrrh i had so much more to talk about! AND I STILL NEED A TITLE!!!!!


  1. That was such an awesome comic! I can't wait for part 2! All the drawings of us were so lifelike! I mean that looks EXACTLY liken the real me! Ahhh I just noticed, in the last picture I'm orange!!! I hope that doesn't mean I'm dead. D:

    About the inaprop stuff you mentioned earlier in your post, it's like being punks on that day has made all this inaprop stuff come into our head!! I think it is okay that we have some of that on the blog but just not going full out punk.

  2. Girl this is so crazy because you know how you wrote out most of the post? Well that's what I was doing the other day except I wrote it on paper and was gonna take a piccie of it but it didn't work. Girl you should try doing this crazy thing where you don't make there be a specif position for the piccies so it doesn't format the thing weird. You receive this grade: B+
