Monday, March 15, 2010

Easy as Pie

Hello girls!!! Bad news. Today was so boring and long and tiring and I feel so sucky right now! I didn't get home until like 8:30 and I had a massive headache all day. =[ Good news too though! This week has not had a particularly great start but I am so excited for a ton of things this week and that is cheering me up! I am going to make a list of all the things I am excited for this week!

-Listening to music in school. Today I had two subs in school and that gave me a chance to master the art of sneaking headphones through the sleeve of my hoodie!
-Making new playlists, updating my playlists, and getting new music
-Watching Doctor Who
-Lost on Tuesday
-Muse's special announcement on Myspace on Wednesday
-Flash Forward's 2 hour mid-season premiere on Thursday
-New Clone Wars episode on Friday

Haha like all the things I am excited for have to do with music or TV shows! I just love both of those things so much!

Ahh you know what I just got reminded of? I need to make some really good playlists of music so that at school when I listen to my iPod at school I don't have to pull it out of my pocket much and risk getting caught with it out.

So far my playlists I have are:

-Cousin Songs (12 songs)
-1984 (18)
-Fun Songs (17)
-Heavy/Loud (49)
-Heroes (6)
-Lost (47)
-Inappropriate Songs (35)
-New Fave Songs (9)
-Songs to fix/replace (3)
-Soft/Quiet (55)

Any other ideas of playlists I could make? That would be so nice if you did. I can always just improve on the ones I already have but I would like some more different ones.

Okay just as a segway in between parts of my post and so I can have time to think about some good stuff to think about I'm going to just share some nice pictures.

Haha this picture actually kinda scares me....

(Click on the picture so you can see it better)

Wow. There have been so many random pictures on the blog lately! I love it though!!! A picture is worth a thousand words! In computer class if I don't have time to watch a tv show or do anything substantial I just use the time looking at webcomics and finding cool or funny pictures. It is so great! Though I hope this week in computer class I will have time to watch Doctor Who on some of the days.

Blehh my mom wants me to go to bed soon but I'm writing this blog post to stall going to bed! lol. Also I'm going to get some food to eat too so I can stay up longer. :p Brb.

Okay I'm back. Yum! Late Night Tacos at Midnight Doritos! I love these chips! Also they remind me of cousin camp! Whoever invented these chips is a genius. Wow! Did you know there are also Late Night All Nighter Cheeseburger Doritos? I have never actually seen those in a store though! They sound not nearly as good as the taco chips so I don't really care that I have never seen them.

Well I suppose I should start wrapping this post up. My mom is getting impatient with me not going to bed. :/

1. what are you listening to? Nothing again! D: Haha I was listening to some Radiohead before this blog post but then like right when I did this I stopped because my mom wanted me to put my iPod in her room.
2. what is your quest? To go back to the island.
3. what tabs/windows are open? tabs: facebook, gmail, the goblog, amazon, and a picture of a dr. seuss book
windows: internet, paint, word, the sims 3, itunes
4. what do you love right now? Taco chips
5. what do you hate right now? Chemistry class
6. what do you want to eat/what are you eating? I am content with what I am eating right now and I am eating Tacos at Midnight chips!
7. what is your mood? tired
8. where are you? the usual place. the dining room.
9. what are you going to do after you post this?go to bed.
10. what are you excited for? haha just look up at that list i made!

1 comment:

  1. nice one james!

    haha i love that chart of the things they will not do! also i love that song!
