Monday, March 22, 2010

Turn and Face the Strange

Hey girls! It's me, goblin! I hate desmond! I love bread! JJ it is not me. It is hob and she is being very mean. She should not pretend to be a desmond-hating, bread-loving goblin because he is ill and she was already mean when she played her fave game and said that she liked my being sick but it was necccessary for her to do because it was the game and usually she loves playing the game but this time she felt a little guilty but she just had to do it and so i forgive her. speaking of bread, my favorite holiday is coming up, hob told me. it is this: passover. you know why it's my favorite holiday? because of NO BREAD!! Haaaa. Hob hates that holiday though. jj she loves it. she loves the stuff that she doesn't know how to spell and neither does gob i guess although he probably actually does but it's the stuff with the apples and junk. YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM. You know what else is coming up? HOB'S SPRING BREAK! And also para's. GOOSBAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SO DARN EXCITED FOR HOB'S SPRING BREAK! SHE IS JUST GOING TO HAVE THIS NICE RELAXING SPRING BREAK AND IT WILL BE SO LOVELY. Last night she was really bored so she started a list of nice things she's gonna do over spring break. i will share it with ya because i am not a gob and gob loves to make lists but so does people that are not a gob such as hob.

*Watch movies
*Read a lotta books
*Watch tv shows
*Listen to and download music
*clean room
*play guitar
*arts and crafts
*our (and by our i mean hob and para) script!

Well I think that's all hob has thought of so far. ok i think that was a really stupid list because i coulda guessed all of those things if hob had not even told me them, just about. well maybe not all of them but just about all of them. what a glug hob is.

Well what else is new, what else is new? Oh I know. Hob went to a concert yesterday! Hob probably thought it was really fun although it wasn't nearly as great as the mcs concert i bet and also it made her miss that concert so darn much. haha hob got a shirt at the concert, and today was twin day at hob's school and hob wasn't gonna do it because she is boycotting spirit week because of no pajama school. and ok 3 other people from her school went to the concert and 2 of them got the same shirt as hob and they wore their shirts today and so did hob so they were accidentally all twinsies!

Girl I just thought of what i should do now, especially since i have been so mean to myself. i should give myself some get well gifts and junk to make myself feel better! haha that picture that para gave as a gift to me yesterday was so great! i want to make out with it. but now i will be receiving even more gifts from myself.

Ok here is a vid for me and it has desmond and muse in it! 2 of my faves! i hope its a goodie and not a suckfest of a vid because i haven't actually watched it because it might make me even more sick since hob hates desmond:

now here's a really awesome doctor who vid with another muse song in it and don't worry, self, it won't even spoil me because it is all about season 3, hob believes:

yes it def won't spoil me cuz it was even posted way back in 2007. it's such an awesome vid though, hob thinks.

brb hob has to tinkle.

now here are pics of all my lovers for me to drool over:

How beautiful!

Whoa is something so darn crazy. Well you know how I, goblin am so sick and vomitting? Well hob's very own brother named Noah is the same deal! idk how this could be even! it is just one big coincidence. Hob says this I bet: BLECH. But she prob hopes that her bro gets better by wednesday so she can see that little guy in his play! And if she gets sick I bet she will be THE ANGRIEST GIRL IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD BECAUSE BARFING IS PROB THE NUMBER ONE THING THAT SHE HATES IN THIS WORLD. THAT'S RIGHT. SHE HATES IT MORE THAN SHE HATES DESMOND MAYBE. Although I could just be makin up those words as a joke because this is not hob. jj.

I think hob wants me to go bleh for the rest of the post until the game.

1. what are you listening to? Barcelona Loves You by I'm from Barcelon. Ha ha that's accidentally the band that hob was listening to last time me thinks.
2. what is your quest? To fig out whether i am a goblin or a hobbit
3. what tabs/windows are open? the usual suspects
4. what do you love right now? jamz
6. what do you want to eat/what are you eating? ha well i think we know what hob wants to eat right now and i think we prob know that a gob i bet doesnt want to eat anything right now maybs.
7. what is your mood? idk
8. where are you? Right where you left me.
9. what are you going to do after you post this? Elle.
10. what are you excited for? GC! Hob's spring break!

love ya
-You'll never know