Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Even if it Kills Me

Girls...I'm taking one for the team.

Today in school the only thing I did was listen to music and i did a little knitting in the afternoon. but that's it. then i got home and ate dinner and stuff and then i was on my comp talking to gob and i felt REALLY tired all of a sudden so i put my comp down and closed my eyes for a bit, and the next thing i new it was 8:30, an hour later and I had no idea what had happened. ugh i hate taking naps because they always make me feel really confused and horrible when i wake up. actually i kinda like feeling confused after a nap but i had feeling so tired and really just horrible. idg how my parents can like naps. mayb it's different if you actually intend to take a nap. idk. but anyway then my mom got home and i went down to say hello but i was still feeling blech and she was being annoying so i went back for another nap and i think i fell asleep again and she woke me up 2 darn times! what in tarn? when i see people lying in their beds with their eyes closed, i don't barge in on them and try to talk to them! i assume they're sleeping!

now i'm prob not gonna go to sleep for hours so i'm downloading tons more music. and that's that. what an odd day.

And para...idk what in tarn you think you are doing right now.

1. what are you listening to? When You're Around - Motion City Soundtrack
2. what is your quest? To take over the world
3. what tabs/windows are open? T: facebook, gmail, blogger, mediafire, thegoblog
w: internet, itunes, my documents
4. what do you love right now? music
5. what do you hate right now? naps and that i have to post today
6. what do you want to eat/what are you eating? idk, bread. and im not eating anything
7. what is your mood? strange
8. where are you? bed
9. what are you going to do after you post this? jam
10. what are you excited for? still this sunday


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