Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Elle's First Assignment (Part 2)

hey girls! its me, elle! i hate goblins! and i hate slushos! jj i do not. my bff para...jj she is not my bff we are mortal enemies. well anyway, plum forgot it was her day to post, and then she remembered, but her internet wasn't going so she asked that stinko hobbit to do it, but she refused, and now she is stuck with the job. i mean i am stuck with the job because it is elle who is writing this post and not para.

also para just spent a good half an hour digging in her secret box. guess what she found, gob!!!!!!!!!! the scavenger hunt!!!! hahahahaha remember those things!?!?!?!? you and her never finished those darn things!!!!!! hahaha that was so long ago.

hmmm as temporary blogger of the goblog (nice place you guys have here, btw) i think i shall have to take advantage of this situation. but what to do.....?

oh yes! i shall partake in my very favorite activity! giving haircuts! haha that is my fave thing to do. (besides gob of course hahaha)

first up: isaac.

wow that is lovely! i am such a master that i can make his hair even longer! amazing!

next: des.

hahahaha kate gosselin hair!!!

now a man i have been itching to work with for quite some time. hrg.

hahaha i almost gave him claire's hair but it didn't fit his giant lumpy face.

now a man who could benefit from some extry hair. jack.


aw girls i am about out of time! there are so many more people i wanted to get my scissies at! well i guess i will just have to "pursuade" para to let me come again next time!

the game!

1. what are you listening to? nut!
2. what is your quest? to find out whether i am elle or para
3. what tabs/windows are open? blogger. gmail. thats it! oh and paint is another window.
4. what do you love right now? goblins. and sylar.
5. what do you hate right now? glasses himself.
6. what do you want to eat/what are you eating? nut!
7. what is your mood? that a mood?
8. where are you? para's bed. ;)
9. what are you going to do after you post this? para. jj. sylar. jj both of them. jj. gob.
10. what are you excited for? babies!

1 comment:

  1. elle i hate you and you are stupid because i posted my whole darn post which consisted of nothing but the game but then i saw that you were writing a post. i wouldnt be angered except that it took me forevs to find a title.
