Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hungry Man

Girls, guess what?? I am writing this post at school! For once I actually get a bunch of time on the computer to do whatever I want during my computer class and it is so nice! I listened to some nice music, read Para's post and some web comics and tried to watch some Doctor Who. There are a few problems with this computer that frustrate me though. First of all I have to use this really stupid and old version of Internet Explorer and it is so annoying not to have tabs! D: If I installed Firefox on here it would probably just be deleted. I wonder if I can run Firefox off of a usb's worth a try! Also in order to use Netflix or Hulu you have to install something and I can't install anything on this computer without it being deleted the next day. D: Idk if megavideo works or not. I hope it does. But overall inbd. It is still so nice to be able to do whatever I want on the computer and I should stop complaining.

Okay, something I noticed in your post Para, you barely talked about last night's episode of Lost at all! I thought that was a pretty good episode and I'll share my opinions on it.

-Fake Locke is turning out to be so evil! I hate that guy so much!

-I missed Sawyer and Hurley in this episode. I hope that all the people on the island stop being so scattered and come together.

-This season is reminding me so much of season 1 even if there is not as much chillaxing and time spent on the beach and here is why:

-No getting on/getting off island stuff and no freighter stuff.

-The people on the island are finding all kinds of cool new mysterious stuff like the Temple, and the cavern in the cliff, and the Lighthouse.

-The flash-sideways remind me a lot of the flashbacks from season 1

-It is showing how everyone that was on Flight 815 is connected though with a nice twist of the Others/Freighter people being connected too.

-Seeing Claire again on the island.

Ahhh the bell is about to ring. I gtg. I'll bbl.

Okay, I'm back. Haha wow. I made so many typos at school when I didn't have Firefox's spell checker.

Okay girls, so I was looking at the labels for our blog and there is a lot of bread loving going on. This makes me sad because the bread lovers are bad guys and bread haters are good guys. Here is some evidence to prove it.

This is simple logic. Beheading is an evil act, giving free cupcakes is a good act! So please join me in hating the bread. We have cupcakes!!! Haha that is kinda ironic though since cupcakes are made with bread. I guess it is like pizza, one of the few exceptions of acceptable bread. Ahh I am so hungry for something sweet right now! I'm too lazy to go and get it though! lol

Yay! I found a version of Firefox that runs off of a usb key! Now I can use Firefox at school! Now all I need to figure out is how to make it so I can watch Netflix at school.

Here is the new game:

1. What are you listening to? Plug In Baby by Muse
2. what is your quest? To download 1000 new songs this month.
3. what tabs/windows are open? Ah girl you don't even want to know what windows are open. My mom left a million different word documents open and I don't want feel like listing them all. Well I guess according to Hob I have to tell you. So here it goes.

Windows: Firefox, iTunes, The Sims 3, 10 word documents my mom is working on and 2 MsPaint windows my mom is working on.

Tabs: Gmail, Facebook, Nano Chat, and The Goblog

4. what do you love right now? That I might get to start having time to do whatever I want on the internet in computer class!
5. what do you hate right now? That my comp is almost out of battery.
6. what do you want to eat/what are you eating? I am eating nothing right now but I really want to eat something dessert-like, sweet and yummy! Like I really feel in the mood for chocolate or something.
7. what is your mood? Hungry
8. where are you? In the dining room, in this rolling chair, using the main computer.
9. what are you going to do after you post this? Get something sweet to eat! That rhymed didn't it...
10. what are you excited for? March 12th!!!!!!!

I love this game so much! I think it will be a fun game to play the entire month and won't get boring. I have a suggestion to make it even better though. What if every once in awhile we either changed up the questions or added questions? What do you girls think?

Well that is all I have to say today. Cya later!


  1. girl what in tarn is the title from? girl this season of lost is not at all reminding me of s1. well it is a TAD i guess but like this is being the darkest season so far and s1 was the least dark i would say! girl we do not appreciate that bread business. but girl guess what! you will be beheaded, i guess!!!
    ok what in TARN does br need 10 word docs open for?!?! well you receive the grade of: b-

  2. The title is from Dexter. And wow you are a tough grader!!!

  3. well you received that grade because of that bread hating stunt you pulled. otherwise it mighta been higher.
