Monday, May 7, 2012

12 DAYS!!!!

heyy gs. 

the exam i took this morning wasn't even really that bad. well it still sucked waking up early on a day i didn't have school but it wasn't too long and it was all over by noon. it was 3 hours total with a 10 minute break in between each half but at least it wasn't as bad as the sat or anything.  and even for not really studying i think i did pretty well.  you need a 3,4, or 5 to use it as a science credit for college and i think i probably got like a high 3 or low 4.

3 more weeks of school.

12 more days of school.

24 more days until i graduate.

29 more days until my birthday.

31 more days until bonnaroo

how to not get your stomach upset:
1.  don't eat 20 pizza rolls at like 3 am.
2.  don't eat pizza rolls period.


  1. 1. oh nice!
    2. dif. 1 more week of school
    3. dif. 1 more day of school
    4. dif 5 more months til my bday
    5. you big glug. if you don't comment on posts soon, your punishment will be to eat pizza rolls

  2. 1. Nice one.
    2. Idk how many more weeks of school.
    3. Idk how many more days of scool.
    4. 11 months until my birthday.
    5. Hahaha I still cqcml at the pizza rolls thing.
