Saturday, May 19, 2012


Hey gs.

Well I'm going to prom tonight and I probably most definitely won't have time to post later so I'm just going to go ahead and do so now...

Hob, you didn't post yesterday so therefore you should start posting twice a day.
Gob, you should also start doing that or else you will be punished further.

Well not one of you has done the argument in the last like two days so what am I supposed to do?

Well I guess I could say more things about the episode.

*Well okay people are getting mad at Dean for like being angry at Cass and yelling at him but that made me love Dean even more because I think he was spot on with the things that he said and I agree with all of his statements.
*Like in my opinion Sam and Dean are a lot more broken than Cass and they still have to keep going and try to save the world so I don't see why Cass thinks he can just stay back and not even try to help clean up HIS OWN mess when there is one thing wrong with him.
*So Sam is going to have to fix the Impala by himself now or
*Bleh that ending is so sad but also so great. I became more sad I think sometimes after writing my last post and last night I sheded many tears for those Winchesters.
*I just really hate Crowley.
*I'm kind of angry that the darn weapon worked because that was so stupid although I did not see the thing coming of taking everyone in the vicinity into purgatory.
*Although actually that is kind of worse because the prob with it was that it was too much like the plan in season 5 but see in season 5 the prob with the weapon was that it would take Sam into Hell too so....
*Whatever. If I try to forget how stupid that whole thing was and the fact that they didn't do the ending that they perfectly set it up to do and would have been more interesting than I am much more happy and I can enjoy that ending and be excited for season 8.
*Well I am still excited for season 8 to know what happens but the prob is that I have to wait until October and I simply cannot do that.
*Some people are so dumb and being like this will be good for Sam he needs to learn to be on his own. And I am liKE YOU ARE STUPID Sam was darn on his own lots of times before AND IT IS NEVER GOOD BECAUSE HE GOES CRAZY AND DOES BAD THINGSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!
*If only Sam was still hallucinating Lucifer then he wouldn't be so alone ahahaha

How to live until October
1. Coma

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