Sunday, May 13, 2012

my leg!

Hey gs!

Okay everyone better start commenting again or they're going to get punished.

Also we're going to do that thing again where we have numbered discussions. Except I can't think of that many but here are some.

1. Most people love Dean more than Sam.
2. I like Sam and Cass's relationship.
3. The sacrifice Cass made for Sam is NOTHING compared to some of the sacrifices Sam and Dean have made.
4. Dean doesn't let Sam win at rock paper scissors, Sam is just awesome at it.
5. Sharon deserved to win RPDR the most because most of the other people were more selfish.
6. I think the episode "Faith" is kind of a bad episode, its only redeeming quality being Sam's fierce protectiveness of Dean.
7. Sam never whines.
8. Jiggly should have gone home in the first episode.
9. They should do the thing that I said they should do in the finale.
10. Season 8 should probably be the last season.

If you do not respond to all of these you get punished. Also you have to add some more or you get punished. And when you add some more, add them as like 11, 12, and so on so that they don't get mixed up.

Okay you know there is this thing that is like top whatever uses of songs in SPN well that makes me so mad because it doesn't have some of the best ones and it has some really glug ones. Idk why that makes me mad but bleh.

Okay so I watched the trailer for NBC's new show that was created by J.J. Abrams and Kripke and it looks somewhat interesting except idk how it is possible that nothing could work like idgi but also I don't think I want to watch it because well idk because Abrams might be doing this thing where he is just making up a huge mystery and hasn't thought of the answer to it yet and man I do not want to get sucked into that again. On the other hand, Kripke had a great plan for first five season of SPN and executed it perfectly. So maybe Kripke would counteract Abrams? IDKKKK. But still I probably won't watch it because I don't need another show and there doesn't appear to be enough brothers in that show.

Oh I almost forgot here is a vid I made.

I actually made it a while back but I have to be getting my stuff off my old computer and this was on there and it was mostly done so I finished it really quickly and put it up.

How to love somebody else
1. Love yourself

Can I get an amen???

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