Wednesday, May 30, 2012

i am an artist

Hey gs!!!!!!

It's me again!
I bet you thought I was dead!
Nope, I killed all of the assassin's you hired.
Yes, even Mark

Even Mark..

Well now that that's over, I've spent basically all of school for the last month on one project, the 1950's and it's almost over.

Also there was a moth in my room and it disappeared while Skater was chasing it and now she is just staring at where is was. Lemme draw you a picture (I would take one but Para stole my memory card for her trip!)

I'm Watching You

That actually turned out a lot better than a thought it would.
I Think i'll draw more!
This is Company Man. The Yellow thing is a trumpet

This is Goblin. It's a well known fact that Goblins love stove-pipe hats!

This is Hobbit. She has her Hobbit stick!

This is Mr. Cherries

This is me. I am playing Minecraft

This is Parasite. There is a message hidden above

Time to play the game

How to Read
Learn how to read
Acquire a book mark
Acquire a cat
Acquire a room with a light
Acquire a book

Do I have to do more?

Nah the pics make it long enough!


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