Wednesday, November 6, 2013

keep your chicken warm

heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy gs

ok what the heck is happening in that picture ??? is it a bed up against a wall and if so why?? why is the kitty on top of it??? how did it get there????? so many questions!!!! also wont you now get busted for having it in your dorm.............also this is highly suspicious bc just the other day you were saying you really want a kitten and now im supposed to believe that one magically showed up in your dorm??????


who did you kill to get that kitten gob


ok para i wasnt tryna take credit for the game i was just sayin

hmmmmm to me the only time that it wont suck that tgiving is so late is like in between the few days that are more normal for tgiving to be like idk the 23-25 maybe, and when tgiving is because then will be glad that its not over with already i guess

wow i didnt know hanukkah started before tgiving even. are we gonna have a hanukah dinner like latkes and stuff at tgiving??? we havent done that since west virginia that was a good time!!

nice angry editorial jj

am i saying "nice angry editorial, jameson" or "nice angry editorial. just jokering" we dont know

oh ok that wasnt very good of you to judge mj when ya didnt even know her!!! you coulda asked me and i woulda told you how great she is. and you coulda asked me and i woulda told you that her and pete are soulmates so

yeah i want to hear all the reasons

yeah g but we both know youre gonna end up bringing that home again

well icqcme for more hob pics!!!

aw g idk when i.ll see thor 2 bleh blah blooh. i wonder who wants to see it. wait mom and dad i think might be seein a movie this weekend so maybe i will see it then

oh ok that sounds like a pretty small roommate and a pretty small relationship that ya have.

hmm well the only thing noah had to say about bugs was "a lot of people think sam and dean are gay in this episode". i guess hes one of those ppl who appreciates the wincest in that ep more than he hates the bugs.......

aw bud the muffies are all gone but they were sure goodie!!

wow thats really crazy about someone posted your art on tumblr!! what one was it? also where did they get it from??? thegoblog????? haha. actually ive been meaning to ask  if you ever post your art anywhere besides thegoblog

well nice piccie!!!! what s symbiote spider man

yeah i didnt know if we had a one pic rule but i think we should not bc it would just be like for the sake of having just one pic and sometimes we might wanna post/see more than onw pic and a rule that we have for no reason would be preventing that so yeah

wow thats a lotta candy wrappers!!!!!! how many is in your can

nice posters and lil face. do i see that molly doesnt have any posters? does she have any pics of herself around

bleh i typed like half of this post on my kindle bc im at work and its so annoying i hate typing long amounts on this. tho its slightly less frustrating when you have 5 hours to kill

ok i think a qualification for being a lifeguard here is that your favorite food has to be chicken strips and fries cuz every single time a lifeguard buys something its a chicken strips meal w/ fries wow ok

omg i just saw a small boy w/ spiderman pajam pants. i think para needs some of those to keep her legs snuggly. ok one thing thats cute of small children is sometimes at night after they go swimming they get on their pajamas and they always look small. but those are always really little children like within the ages that i said can be small sometimes

ok now i am home. actually i had to finish those last two paragraphs from home but just pretend

alright i def had more stuff to say. now what was it.

oh one was goos sleepy hollow is finally back!!!!!!!!!!


oh i know wow you know how i was missing supernatural the other day well yesterday wanted dead or alive came on the radio and that made things 1 million% worse and like i felt like i was goin to have a heart attack when that song was playing idk. tho i would never in a million years watch s9 or 8 and i dont really wanna rewatch the real seasons but still. actually for some reason i saw a promo for the ep that is this week and i wanted to die of secondhand embarrassment what the actual heck is wrong w/ that show. anyway im a lil jell of noah for being on season 1

wow i actually talked abt chicken in this post

last night i had a dream within a dream that i was angelica pickles

ok wellll heres a special behind the scenes look at the back area of the wave cafe at the shoreview community center!!!!!

wow for a second i accidentally deleted the whole post somehow and i was ready to burn this world to the ground but then i got it back

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