Thursday, February 13, 2014

the rabbit letters

heyy gs.

yeah we should start figuring out soon what we are going to do this summer, like cousin camp or minnesota, or indiana so that it actually happens this year!  i need to be figuring out what music workshops/camps/festivals i'm going to this summer though and like what my summer plans are.

nice pic of your dinner para!  they serve like that exact same stuff a lot at my dining hall too.

tyt about my food pics para!

i still just don't get why the fact that elementary exists is such a good thing! :S

haha yeah i'm not even sure how my dad got home because we only took one car to the movie theater and my mom and i did not want to stay until like midnight or later to watch it again when we just saw it.  i guess he called a taxi or something?  idek.

tyt for telling me i'm doing a nice job hob!

yqw about your shirt.

yeah the pho and bubble tea was so yuumy!!!  dang now i'm really hungry because i started thinking about food again.

ahhh icqcme for house of cards season 2 to come out on netflix tomorrow!!!!!!!  haha i wish i could stay up until 3 am tonight when it is going to be put on netflix and just watch a ton but that would probably be a bad idea because

a.  i would probably be too tired to pay attention to it
b. i wouldn't get very much sleep for my classes
c.   i watched season 1 with my parents so i will probably watch season 2 with them too

wow idk why i've never gotten into Björk before now.  this song is so beautiful.

haha there's always weird stuff written on the library bathroom stalls.  that seems like a weird place for it happen so much because you would think most people visiting the library would be like studious and not like people that would vandalize stuff and leave dumb messages.  haha like that person that wrote on the bathroom stall "text this number for some fun."  maybe one day i will write something on the library bathroom stalls.  jk, i won't do that.

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