Saturday, March 17, 2012

babies that eat cows

Hey gs.

Well. Today was a weird day.

Idk I had a weird dream and it made the whole day weird. It was a really weird dream. It was like I was Sam but I was also me and I was at this place and there was like pie or some kind of dessert and well it might have been at Noah's school but idk but there was this room where everyone was allowed to take something from and Mo was there and she was like okay do we want roller blades or do we want a baby? And we ended up getting the baby and then we took it home but then were were actually at this like cabin place it could have been for Thanksgiving and I think Gob was there and maybe Hob and Dean was somewhere idk where but okay there was this really annoying guy and I was saying mean things to him because he was so annoying but then I realized he was really sad so I went outside and then he followed me and he kept asking me questions about my demon blood. Idk who this guy was but he was wearing a tie I know that much! And then idk how I got this information but we were like walking around outside and I found out that Azazel was coming so I was like oh no not again. And I was like well at least I don't have a baby. But then I remembered our baby!!!! So then we had to rush back to the place to try to stop Azazel from getting demon blood in that baby. Idk if we were successful or not. That was a weird dream.

Another thing that was weird is that there was a clip from the next ep released. That doesn't seem normal to have a new clip one day after the last episode! Well I didn't watch that clip but I keep seeing gifs and pictures and quotes from it and people keep talking about it. Blehhh its making me so excited and just a lot of spoilers and things have made me excited for that ep. And a lot of spoilers and things have made me not excited. Bleh I wish I could know whether or not to be excited. Well I will choose to be not excited so that I can't be disappointed like Hob was for that last episode. If I expect to hate the episode then it could be a pleasant surprise if its not as bad as I feared. Or it could live up to my expectations and nothing bad will come of it. Well at least I know there is one good part in it. And at least I know that Lucifer is in it. And other things. But I wish I didn't know these things so that it would be easier to be not excited. Bleh I hate spoilers.

Wow who could hate Lucifer? Blehhhhh. Well except Sam. But Sam hates all my favorite characters. Well I actually meant who not in the show could hate Lucifer because everyone in the show hates Lucifer. Oh man Lucifer is just this little guy. Whyyyy

Okay if you aren't worried about Sam just because he's the main character and you know he's not going to die... then I guess you don't worry about Harry Potter when Voldemort is trying to kill him because doi Harry Potter is the main character he's not going to die that is so boring let's get back to the story of Dobby because he's not the main character and HE COULD REALLY DIE!!!


When is that baby coming...?

Oops I had a picspam...well I will save it for a day when I have nothing to say.

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