Sunday, March 11, 2012

cats that eat babies

Hey gs!

Wow I am so cold!!!!

I love babies!

I love kittens!

I love Supernatural!

5 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have no school tomorrow because spring break which is really good timing considered we lost an hour.

Wow I just saw the most beautiful thing ever.

That is so beautiful.

Hmmm yes.

Gob I'm pretty sure you were late in posting that so.

Hob I don't know how to sing that song can you sing it for me?

I had a weird dream last night.

I am so cold.

Wow I just saw something absolutely disgusting that's like okay well its talking about Cass and its like well no its talking to Cass and its talking about Sam and Dean I guess and its like "they used you and treated you like shit and you made one mistake and they abandoned you and tried to kill you and you tried to make amends and you died for them yet again and they didn't even try to save you." That is making me want to puke because it is Cass who was using Sam and Dean actually to fight his stupid war in Heaven and he hurt Sam and Dean to do it and Cass has treated at least Sam like shit more times than I can count but Sam has always been respectful to Cass even when he didn't deserve it. And Cass never made amends to Sam, he only tried to apologize to Dean but in my opinion Cass doesn't deserve to be forgiven because he made ONE mistake? Really? Okay, which one? Was it when he broke Sam's wall? Was it when he nearly got Lisa and Ben killed? Was it when he killed Balthazar? Or was it when he let the leviathans out? Which one mistake are we counting here? And I wouldn't say Cass died on I think if he could have not sacrificed himself he would have done that probably at the expense of the world, but it was killing him so he had to let the souls out. And Sam did try to save him so don't even go there. But what else could they have done really except to stop Cass from doing what he did which they tried to do and lost Lisa, Ben, and Sam's sanity for their trouble. This makes me so mad. Cass fans are stupid.

Ah, I love when I am struggling to make my post a foot and then I find something to rant about and then its magically super long.

I AM CORN!!!!!!!

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