Sunday, March 4, 2012

spiders that eat frogs

Hey gs!

This is a quiz to find out what kind of brother you are!

This is a very serious quiz so make sure to answer all of the questions honestly.

1. Are you older or younger than your brother?
a. older, I don't know by how much
b. a lot older
c. 5 years older
d. 4 years older
e. 2-3 years older
f. 1 year older
g. younger, I don't know by how much
h. a lot younger
i. 5 years younger
j. 4 years younger
k. 2-3 years younger
l. 1 year younger

2. Do you look up to your brother?
a. No.
b. He has his own way of doing things but most of them are stupid.
c. No, he should be looking up to me.
d. I admire him for some things.
e. He's more successful than me but I wouldn't want his life.
f. He can come up with cool ideas sometimes.
g. Occasionally.
h. No, I'm the best.
i. No, he's annoying.
j. My whole life.
k. I used to.
l. Who doesn't?

3. Were you or your brother your father's favorite?
a. Obviously me.
b. Me.
c. Who cares what my father thinks?
d. I got along better with him, but he always showed more concern for my brother.
e. Probably me.
f. He loves us both the same.
g. My brother.
h. Definitely my brother, I was a disappointment.
i. I couldn't tell you.
j. My brother, I could never get along with my father.
k. My brother, he didn't seem to care about me as much.
l. How would I know?

4. Do you love your brother?
a. Of course I love him.
b. I'll always love him no matter what.
c. Not really.
d. More than anything else.
e. Yeah.
f. Sure I do!
g. Yes, I still love him.
h. Yes.
i. I guess so.
j. Of course, he's my brother.
k. Sure.
l. I think so!

5. What if your brother was in trouble?
a. I'm sorry but he deserves it.
b. Again?
c. I just hope it doesn't make me look bad.
d. Drop everything and help him.
e. I can't deal with this, I have my own problems.
f. Me and my friends will help him out!
g. Good.
h. If I'm not busy with something more important I'll do what I can.
i. That's hilarious.
j. Then that's the only thing that matters until we sort it out.
k. He shouldn't have brought his problems to me.
l. I don't think I will be of much use.

6. If it came down to it, would you choose saving your brother or yourself?
a. Myself, I'm more important.
b. Myself, sorry brother.
c. Myself.
d. My brother, no question.
e. Myself, I have to look out for me.
f. I would figure out a way to save both of us with my imagination.
g. Myself, he'd do the same.
h. It depends.
i. Myself.
j. My brother, and he would do the same for me.
k. Myself, I don't think he would sacrifice for me either.
l. I would just start crying in this situation.

7. How about your brother or the world?
a. The world. It has to be this way.
b. The world, he would want it that way.
c. The world, my brother's not that important.
d. My brother.
e. The world, my life would have such meaning.
f. Saving the world sounds like more fun.
g. To be honest, I don't really care about the world.
h. The world, I love the world.
i. The world, he doesn't deserve it.
j. My brother, sorry world.
k. The world.
l. At this point I have peed.

8. What if your brother died?
a. I would continue on as usual.
b. I would grow a beard, probably quit my job and get a divorce.
c. I wouldn't notice.
d. I would either sell my soul to get him back or if that was not an option, spiral into depression.
e. It would be sad, but it wouldn't affect me too much.
f. That will never happen.
g. I had to do it.
h. I would hold a grudge against his murderer for a while but eventually we would become friends.
i. As long as its that brother and not different one I'm fine.
j. I would go on murderous quest for a way to bring him back or revenge, give into my sociopathic tendencies and sacrifice my humanity.
k. It would be a shame.
l. What does that even mean?

9. What if you had to kill your brother?
a. Then I have to do it.
b. Depends on the stakes.
c. Okay.
d. No.
e. Why exactly?
f. Let's play a different game.
g. Looks like the tables are turned.
h. I might do it to save the world.
i. I guess if I have to.
j. That would be the worst thing.
k. Maybe...
l. Can I just go to sleep?

10. Would you put your brother ahead of your career?
a. Yes.
b. If I have to, my career is very important to me.
c. Without a thought.
e. Yes, its about time I got a job.
f. I would play a game instead.
g. Well...yes.
h. I don't really care about my career.
i. Nah.
k. Yeah.
l. I don't want to work, I want to poop.

11. What if a girl was coming between you two?
a. Human are not important.
b. I'll take the girl.
c. That's normal.
d. Kill the girl.
e. Don't really care.
f. Is she going to play with us?
g. I don't like girls.
h. Break up with her.
i. That's fine.
j. She'll probably die anyway.
k. I'd rather have the girl.
l. Is she my mommy?

12. Do you like to touch your brother?
a. No.
b. I have no opinion.
c. Not if I can help it.
d. Yes, can't keep my hands off the guy.
e. I don't mind it.
f. I like to tickle him!
g. Not really.
h. I enjoy a good hug.
i. Nah.
j. Yes, it makes me feel warm inside.
k. Yeah.
l. Yes, but I stink!

13. Do you like to touch your brother inappropriately?
a. No
b. No
c. No
d. Yes
e. No
f. No
g. No
h. No
i. No
j. Yes
k. No
l. No

Mostly A's: You are Michael.
Mostly B's: You are Nathan Petrelli.
Mostly C's: You are Percy Weasley.
Mostly D's: You are Dean Winchester.
Mostly E's: You are Biff Loman.
Mostly F's: You are Tommy Pickles.
Mostly G's: You are Lucifer.
Mostly H's: You are Peter Petrelli.
Mostly I's: You are Ron Weasly (to your brother's Percy)
Mostly J's You are Sam Winchester.
Mostly K's You are Happy Loman.
Mostly L's: You are Dill Pickles.

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