Saturday, March 10, 2012

turkeys that eat cats

Hey gs!!!

Hob I hope you like this picspam because I made it for you.

It's called 5 reasons why I love Dean Winchester. (in 25 pictures)

This list will feature 5 pictures for each of the reasons why I love Dean... This was somewhat hard to come up with merely for the reason that I excluding anything that also applied to Sam.

1. His leather jacket.

Dean's leather jacket really suited him...even if it did appear to be too big on him. But I miss it. Also I'm somewhat jelly of it.

2. That he's good with kids.

This is sweet to me because you just know its because of Sam. But Sam doesn't do as great with kids so.

3. His love for pie.

Ah, a thing Dean and I have in common. How could I not love Dean's affection for one of my very favorite foods?

I don't remember what this furtive look was for but this reminds me of myself yesterday when I ate two pieces of pie.

Also I don't blame Dean for stealing that thing from the center of the pie. That looks like a delicious chocolatey morsel.

4. When he makes Sam uncomfortable.

Mostly because I like when Sam is uncomfortable, but I love Dean's pleasure in making Sam feel embarrassed and awkward.

5. His love for Sam. (impossible to capture in 5 screencaps (or any amount), but I tried.)

Of course, this is Dean's and my greatest similarity. Because someone has to love Sam Winchester.

So there you have it. Please never accuse me of hating Dean Winchester again.

6 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!

Okay I took that are you tired quiz and it told me "no not really."

My result was "Wow! You really love cats! But are you a little TOO enthusiastic?"

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