Sunday, September 9, 2012

cat the hunter

Hey gs!

Sorry that I'm writing this post at like 1:10 am so its not actually yesterday anymore but really does anyone actually care?

Well not much is happening.

I'm in a motel room right now.

Everyone is sleeping. Those glugs.

Wow I was just peacefully listening to music and then my horrible piano playing came into my ears. Why do I even have that in my itunes???

Hob why did you watch Captain America???

I need two Spider-Man posters because my new poster is awesome!!!!!!!!!!! Okay I will try to take a pic of it soon so that you can see how amazing it is.

Okay I went to the Asian Student Association because my asian friend wanted me to go with her.

Gob did it ever occur to you that you don't need your teacher's permission to leave five minutes early because you're not in high school anymore??? Just a thought but that's probably why he did that to you.

Wow okay last night I finished watching my show and the last two episodes were SO GREAT!!!!!  Wow it was like the best ending of anything ever.  I did not see that coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today I visited the snakes in the science center and they are so cute!!! One of them was being so adorable and it stuck its little head out of its cave and when I moved around it would follow me and stick out its cute little tongue!!! I love that little guy!!!!!

Okay that's the post.

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