Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I really should be studying for chemistry but I got distracted by this. I just found the greatest thing ever@@@@ I was just about to show it to my cousins but then I realized it would be a great thing to show on here@ And then I found even more things like it@ I could spend ages doing this blog entry@ What I just discovered is the website ytmnd.com. It's a website where there are really funny short little clips of video or just a single image and I have spent the longest time ever looking at these things@ Here are a few great ones I found:


This website is so great@@@ I could spend hours looking up stuff on it@

Anyways, here is my continuation of the favorites and least favorite game (though I think we shouldn't continue it forever because people might get tired of seeing it every single day):

Favorite Star Trek people:
-Keenser (He's a goblin like me@)

Unfavorite Star Trek people:

Favorite doctors:
-Dr. Peter Petrelli
-Dr. Mccoy
-Uhhh idk any other doctors that I like.

Unfavorite doctors:
-Dr. Evazan (http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/thumb/2/2e/DrEvazan.jpg/250px-DrEvazan.jpg)
-Dr. Suresh
-Dr. Shepard
-Dr. Benford

Favorite bands: (I have too many of them, but here are a few):
-The Beatles
-Red Hot Chili Peppers
-The Killers

Least favorite bands:
-Jonas Brothers
-Miley Cyrus
-Taylor Swift
-All that sort of pop/Disney music.

I'm going to go to bed now so I can study chemistry in the morning. Okay, before I go to bed, here is one last thing. This blog has been so much fun writing, I look forward to making a post every day, but I really think we need to get it somehow to be a bit more organized and less sporadic. Idk, maybe we really need to figure out what the goal for this blog is, who we want to read our blog, what can we do to make it better, etc. Maybe this weekend Para, Hob and I will try and talk about this and figure things out.

Hope you enjoyed my blog post,

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