Monday, January 4, 2010

Upon This Rock, Let It Bleed.


ok now...The Review. *gob plays epic music on the piano*

Alright here is what I have to say about these two eppies i just eated. We will start with the firstie.

Upon This Rock was boring. Well it wasn't that boring, but it had the most boring characters in it. Hiro. Samuel. Emma. Claire. *snores* I liked how Claire was working though. That was so cute. And then Eli made her mad, and Samuel tried to calm her down. But once Claire gets mad there's not much you can do to calm her down. HRG knows all about that. But we did learn one thing! Grass calms Claire down! Samuel figured out the trick! Just show Claire a bit of greenery and she will forget all about how you have decieved her.

Ok let's see, what else happened? Oh yes! Our dear friend Emma had a strange visitor that helped her discover her true power so that they could find the grass man and calm Claire the heck down. Here is what I want for Emma to do though: find Peter and get married to him! That would be so darn cute!!! PEMMA! PEMMA! PEMMA!

Oh yes and Hiro had quite an adventure, didn't he? And Ando FINALLY accepted that he is the sidekick. Also I like Hiro's mind a lot better this way. Even though I can't wait for him to die.

Well enough with that episode because I can't really think of anything else interesting that happened.

So the next ep it is! Let It Bleed! IT WAS SO AWESOME! I seriously enjoyed this ep. It started with a nice event I have been waiting for for quite some time. It's called: Nathan's Funeral. Unfortunately as happy as it was for me, it was a very sad day for Petey. I don't like to see Petey so sad but his emo hair (Tim!) is growing in nicely...

Another thing I liked: HRG got REJECTED! That is something I like to see. And then he didn't even get to attend the party. Good job Claire. Good job. Okay but enough about Claire. I'm so tired of talking about her right now. Well HRG didn't get to attend the hopping party. And even Simon and Monty were there! I was starting to think everyone had forgotten about those little fools!!!

Except I guess Petey didn't like the party too much because he ran away to be a hero/commit suicide, but not before having a cute little conversation with the cheerleader (do you like how I didn't say her name this time?) about West! Another little boy I had thought he had forgotten about!

Oh yes and at the end he went to probably hold hands with the guy but we didn't actually get to see him. Bum bum bum.

Oh and while everyone else was at the party, HRG decided to go torture a man. That is so typical of him. And with true serum no less! Personally, I think HRG could use a permanent truth serum injection. And maybe one for Angie too.

Alright well that's what happened. JJ Ambrams! I bet you thought I had forgotten about the other stuff but I didn't! How could I have forgotten about the coolest of guys!?!?

SYLAR!!! Oh how I missed his little face! And his murderous ways...except not because there appears to be something wrong with his killingnessness. I blame Hiro! But wait! Can Lydia fix him?! Well she can sure do a good job of getting his shirt off. Thanks Lydia, I owe ya one.

But after seeing Lydia's snazzy tatoos Sylar decided he needs one of his own. But he destroyed the ink! Oh no! Fortunately Samuel cooks him up a fresh batch and they go to work. The good news is that Sylar needs to take off his shirt again. But after the tatoo crawls all over him, we don't even get to see what it is! Grrrr!

Until later...Sylar pulls a West and watches Claire through her window. And we see his new tatoo! It's a Claire Tatoo! A Claire Tatoo!?!? I want one!!!!! The only think I don't know is why Sylar's tatoo didn't immediately heal like Peter's did...

Well that's it! Until next week at the old time again! Don't miss it! OR I WILL KILL YOU ALL!

Something for your time:

It's a goblin!!

Also! Exciting/scary news: I may or may not have a new power. And it may or may not be similar to electricity manipulation. I will keep you all updated if it manifests further.

Good day.

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