Thursday, January 28, 2010

One Giant Leap

hey girls hey! :D

ok gob..."the eclipse" is not the name of a lost or heroes ep or any muse song that i know, so it is possible that you are in big trouble. you might have been referring to "the eclipse part 1" or "the eclipse part 2" which are both heroes episodes maybe. however it really doesn't even matter because the eclipse is such a lame title for that darn blog post. you are supposed to name it after what the post is about, not a tiny detail that was mentioned in the post. you fool.

maybe some of our readers(or our writers...*cough cough* gob.) are not clear on the rules though and are therefore confused. it is lucky that i have compiled a handy list of all the rules that I am aware of. and here they are:
1. we write a post everyday, and take turns posting. if you are unable to post on your assigned day you have to find someone else to write it for you. you can trade days if you want.
2. you must name your post after a heroes ep, a lost ep, a muse song, or something like that.
3. don't say things that are inaprop for goblin.

and i think if you break any of these rules you get Punished, correct? so does gob get Punished now if he can not find something with the name of "the eclipse"? or are we gonna let this one slide? or am i being a fool and there is something called the eclipse that i am not aware of?

ok well also gob you made some other mistakes in your last post and i would just like to point them out to everyone.


Gob's Mistakes

*Favorite Mysteries: (link these?) gob why does it say "(link these)" did you mean to delete that or something?

*The mystery of Matthew Abbadon (Solved, he was just a creepy poser of the Hatian (Heroes)) Matthew Abbadon was actually in lost, gob.

Ok I will stop being mean to gob now. haha sorry gob.

But girls something really weird happened to me today, and hob already knows about this because she was there, but that's ok. i will just speak directly to gob and our readers. hello gob and our readers, so today i was on one of the a1(like the junior high) computers and i wanted to visit our dear blog, so i started typing it in the little bar at the top of safari, i typed thego and then BOOM the little scrolly thing popped up and had the whole darn address in it. SO SOMEONE HAD ALREADY BEEN TO OUR BLOG ON THE COMPUTER DURING THE DAY AND IDK WHO IT COULD BE! O.O

alright my dears, now I will do what I promised to do on monday.


i thought it was a really great episode! but im so sad that there are only like two more left in the season. :( (that's not what i was sad about though.)

but anyways, there was this really great scene near the beginning that was of peter that reminded me a lot of season 1 peter. i mean, waking up from a dream and then like being all like "whoa!" and sitting up really fast and flippin his hair out of his face...yeah. that's the stuff. ya know what, its so crazy because in season 1 peter used to just have angela's power. in the very first episode he just had that one. so its just like the good old days!

aw man. graire had a fight. i hope they make up!

alright girls why was i so darn sad that lydia died? i don't even like her! i despise her guts! but it was just really kind of sad for her because samuel is so darn mean. also i think it was just that i was really surprised because i did not see that coming at all!

you know who i hate?

you don't?


oh come on girls, think back to the ep. who wronged me in this ep?

no its not samuel. i don't actually like lydia.

no not eli.

yeah i hate hrg but that's not who i was talking about.

no! hiro wasn't even in that darn ep i think...


ok but yeah i did enjoy some of the scenes with him in them but that is because sylar and matt are so darn funny together. but i still hate him! osimofmsoivmomeoijomvlsmdkg

but ok im getting ahead of myself.

because girls, serious. WHAT IN TARN happened to janice's hair!?!? seriously. im like "oh girl no!" but she is such a fool and what is her job anyway? and that is the worst idea that i ever heard of.

"dude this guy might hurt people so lets hide him behind a brick wall in our basement" NO! BAD IDEA!

matt is soooo mean because like first of all, sylar was asking for help. he wasn't trying to hurt anyone. well ok, he did threaten matt's family and tk his wife, but baby steps right? so sylar came to matt for help and matt did EXACTLY the opposite.

sylar: i dunt wanna die alooone! D:
matt: m'kay imma make you live forever all by yourself! mwahahahaha! >)

but yay! peter will help sylar! except i really thought that sylar said he had been there for 30 years, but apparently he said 3 years. that is still terrible though.

also, the end of this episode where peter went into sylar's head reminded me of the end of "Parasite" where hiro and ando accidentally go to the future. im not sure why. maybe because i feel an awesome episode coming up. i mean "Five Years Gone." not ".07%."

i really hope that everyone ends up at the carnival in the season finale. that would be so epic like in season 1 where everyone ended up at kirby plaza.

ok done ranting i think.

now we can talk about important things. such as the miracle of sour patch kids. hob, i believe that you asked me where i got sour patch kids. i can't remember if i told you or not so i will just tell you again. so i was sitting at lunch and eating some nutella and bread and then BAM some sour patch kids appeared in front of me! magic! haha jj its name was matilda was holding a big ol thing of sour patch kids right in front of my face so i snagged a big handful and they were very delicious. the end.

now i will answer some of hob's other questions.

*Ok para in my last post was that one of the times when it bored you to tears when I just kept goin on and on?

yeah girl. that was one of those times.

*Ready for this Para? Do you remember that?

im ready! yeah i remember that!

How about this one?!

yeah i remember that too girl!

ok but hob girl, you know that song you posted, like the pizza one? well i just plum remember that being so much more high quality. like when i used to watch it it would always get me really excited and kind of disgusted and also kind of scared. but this time when i watched it, it was such a huge dissapointment. it wasn't what i remembered at all. well it was what i remembered, but i just remember it being better. also i watched that monster song from that very same movie, which i used to get really scared by, but it did not even frighten me one bit. it was so dissapointing.

girl you know what really annoys me? its a little something called "when teachers use me in their little speeches about safety". this happened to me twice this week. in science and sculpture. and it really is so annoying to me! like, i don't care if i happen to be sitting close to you, or if you just like to imagine horrible things happening to me, or if i am the cutest thing you have ever seen so you think that by predicting that something bad will happen to me if i don't do this and this and this, it will make the children do such things. i really don't care! i don't want any part of you safety speech!

ok well girls now i have something happy to talk about. happy for gob that is! its called his movie that he really wants to see, "when in rome" comes into theaters tomorrow! so now he can go see it! if he does not see it we will all be really dissapointed and we will call him a liarpants.

ok gob but you know that vid that you posted about the fish heads? well that was pretty great except i do NOT think that our fish appreciated that at all! they were prob scared out of their little fishy minds! you better go give them some fishy treats right now mister!

ok girls everyone has been posting vids so i thought i migh like to post one. here is one prob everyone has seen but i think it is so darn funny and also since lost is so close this might help us get excited! plus it contains star trek and sylar too!

ok girl hob how could you think that we were just doing canon ships when i listed a whole darn bunch of not canon ones!? you fool! i think we have to play a game now called real or fiction!

•Matthinder (Matt/Mohinder) :FICTION (mostly)
•Skate (Sawyer/Kate) : REAL
•Pylar (Peter/Sylar) : FICTION :(
•HrTracy (HRG/Tracy) :IDK
•Pemma (Peter/Emma) :REAL
•Tuggles (Ted/Mr. Muggles) :FICTION
•Syhindlar (Sylar/Mohinder): FICTION
•Chaire (Claire/Charlie): REAL
•Graire (Claire/Gretchen) :REAL
•Lockland (John/The Island):REAL
•Michy (Molly/Micah):FICTION
•Talimer (Talbot/Morty):REAL haha jj. FICTION. :(
•...Sylaire (Sylar/Claire) JUST A TEENY BIT!!!! :FICTION... i guess.
•Paire (Peter/Claire) FICTION fortunately!
•Jate (Jack/Kate) REAL
•Sawyet (Sawyer/Juliet) REAL :(
•Mayhinder (Maya/Mohinder) REAL
•Maphne (Matt/Daphne) REAL
•Mylar (Sylar/Maya REAL

ok but girl the reason i didn't mention paitian is because i plum forgot about that! i am such a darn fool! except i actually like the name of "pene" better for it because it reminds me of pasta and i like pasta.

but here is a pic i drew while back that has two of my fave peter ships.

it is so darn hard to see, but that is the haitian on the left, with the body of a wolf, and that is emma on the right, in a fighting stance. and peter is in the middle trying to keep them apart and not hit his hand against the ceiling.

the words were really hard to read so i did what claire always does and typed over them.

alright gob that was so darn mean of you to say that isaac is one of your least fave smells. you are such a fool. i bet isaac doesn't smell as bad as desmond! and you didn't have him on your list!
here is what i predict(haha) isaac smells like:

paint doesn't actually smell bad. you are a fool.

girl now i am going to play faves and least faves. and hob you are a fool because you told me that today would be my last day to play this game but that is not true because i also have sunday!

favorite musical instruments :)
*guitar hero guitar
*The Triangle

least favorite musical instruments :(
*winter drums

favorite mysteries :)
*sylar's identity (heroes)
*the haitian's name (heroes)
*how to stop an exploding man (heroes)
*why the goblog was on an a1 computer (real life)
*taylor (real life)
*the mystery of the missing man (the mystery of the missing man)

least favorite mysteries :(
*polar bears (lost)
*the others (lost)

favorite heroes :) (im not including anyone that would be ever considered a main villain for obvious reasons)

least favorite heroes :(
*harry pottter

ok girls now i am gonna do hob's survey thing so you can know all about a parasite too!

Name: para
Birthday: apr 12
Age: i'm 15 for a moment.
Nicknames: a lot. annie, nanners, banana, nia...etc.
Zodiac sign: aries
Sex: fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffruit! hahaha jj fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffemale
Friends: idg the question.

Do you have any tattoos? no! but i really want a claire tattoo!
What’s the last thing you bought?: my awesome motion city soundtrack shirt
Do you have a job? If so, where?: nope i do not for sursies.
What was your most embarrassing moment?: I HATE THIS QUESTION
Last 4 digits of the last phone you dialed: no darn idea
What is in your pockets right now?: my ipod! duh its always in there!
What was the happiest moment in your life?: i really couln't tell you
Have you ever egged a house?: no. but i have cheesed a house!
Who is your role model?: not kidding actually.
What’s your favorite holiday?: halloween
When is the last time you stayed up all night?: hmm i haven't really stayed up all night but one time i stayed up until like 8:30 talking to a gob.
What is your favorite book?: harry potter and the order of the phoenix
Who is your favorite author?: dunno. john green maybe.
Where did you have your last birthday party?: at my house
Who came?: uuuum nikki, allison, oh girl icr
What’s your favorite song?: hmmm i can't say because it is always a dif song. right now i really like pulp fiction.
What’s your favorite cd?: idk girl
What are your favorite pizza toppings?: pineapple
Where do you order pizza from the most?: dominoes
Have you ever been in the hospital for more than a day?: i think not. maybe when i was born though?
How many days is your record for time spent in a hospital?: 38498387498
Why did you have to go to the hospital?: because i was shot several time in the head.
How long has it been since you went to the mall?: we'll go with about 2 weeks maybe
What’s the last movie you saw in a theater?: avatar
What’s the last movie you rented?: i can't even recall
Do you like to write poetry?: yeah i do!
Do you like to read poetry?: hahahahahahaha well yes actually.
Have you ever written a song?: yeah i did! it goes like this
i found a moose in the department store
chocolatey, chocolatey
and the moose said to me,
take me to the show rodeo
yeah i wanna go to the show rodeo
rodeo show!
After you read it to yourself did it sound stupid?: no it sounds AWESOME
What’s your favorite band?: i believe that i told you this a favorites/least favorite game
Who is your favorite solo singer?: idk.
If you suffocate a smurf, what color does he turn?: what is a smurf? seriously.
What is your favorite ride at the fair?: the mirrors place! oh wait thats a not a ride.
Have you ever thrown a party in which complete strangers have attended?: yeah prob there were some strangers to me at some halloween party or something. but its ok because i like strangers.
Are you an only child?: yup
Do you have any brothers or sisters?: yup
Their names: stinky and hob
Their ages: 18 and...12? no. 11.
What color is your computer?: blacky
What is your favorite color of ink to write in?: blacky
Would you rather write in pen or pencil?: i like to typy
How tall are you? shorty
What’s your name again?: say something once, why say it again?
What’s your biggest fear?: i am not afraid of anything!
Have you ever been in a car crash?: no but for once i wanna be the car crash. not always just the traffic jam
Who was driving?: claire. whoa did you ever realize that both claires have crashed a car?
What is your lucky number?: vault 713
Who is your favorite family member?: my sister hob. es obvio
What is your favorite breed of dog?: what is mr muggles? i like him
What is your favorite name for a dog?: noah
What is your favorite name for a cat?: junior anna anna
Have you ever been drunk?: never ever ever ever
Have you ever been on the radio?: no dear
Have you ever been on TV?: sure. every monday at 8. oh you asked if i have BEEN ON tv...nope.
Have you ever been in a movie?: never ever ever ever
Who is your favorite actress?: none come to mind actually
Who is your favorite actor?: zachary quinto. whoa that was some serious speed typing!
Do you have a cellphone?: of course
Do you have a pager?: haha who has a pager?
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done?: killed a man. well two men. ok one was a woman.
Why are all the fun things illegal?: because having too much fun is against those darn laws.
What’s your favorite quote?: uuum "that was for the haircut" -sylar, to hrg
What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?: haitian
Who is your favorite person to talk to online?: i have so many faves! that would be mean to pick just one!
Do you have any nicknames that you liked that your friends no longer use?: for me or for my friends?
Who is your hero?: sylar and im only a little bit kidding again
What do you think of racism?: its wrong and should be banned from society.
Are you racist?: yes. all the time.
What is your favorite day of the week?: monday...for two more weeks.
What is your least favorite day of the week?: bleh. tuesday.
Do you like rain?: YES I LOVE RAIN
Do you think lightning is awesome?: girl. that is my power.
What is your favorite word?: braaaaaaaaaaainz
If you could visit any country, where would you go?: girl idk. canada.
How long would you want to stay?: two minutes
Who would you want to take with you?: yay! roadtrip! ok i pick sylar because he loves roadtrips and lauren because she is canadian. and ramsey so that lauren doesn't steal sylar from me.
How old do you act?: 3.14159265358979 bleh i failed at remembering that number
How old is your best friend?: 83
How old does your best friend act?: 83.1
Do you think you were an adorable little kid?: i was the most adorable lil thing. i still am also.
What were the names of your imaginary friends?: oh i used to have this really cool guy living in my head. but he left. his name was sylar.
Do you have any pennies sitting on your computer desk?: no i just cleaned the thing.
What is the most unique thing about your bedroom?: well its in the basement. idk
Do you have a black light?: nope
Do you have a strobe light?: nope
Do you have glow-in-the-dark stars?: haha no. i don't think i could sleep if i did.
Do you have anything that glows in the dark?: no. i couldn't sleep i said!
What color is your pillow case?: purple.
What is your favorite thing to wear to bed?: some pajama shorts usually.
Do you like Pepsi or Coke better?: i have never had either of those so idk.
Can you tell a difference?: nope. obviously.
What are you thinking about right now?: haha well now you got me thinking about what i am thinking about. what a stupid question.
What is your favorite song to listen to when you are mad?: i like like to listen to this cute little song called "riot" by three days grace. it calms me right down. haha
What is the last song you listened to?: the suffering by coheed & cambria
What is your favorite movie?: star trek 11
What is your dream car?: idk. a sycar
How many times have you had the chicken pox?: you fool! you can only have chicken pox once! so...once.
When was the last time you brushed your teeth?: uuum last night.
What is your middle name?: tis a secret that i just actually spilled to some people.
The Good Stuff
Do you have a girl/boyfriend?: noe
What is his/her name?: adam monroe
How long have you been together?: about 100 years i would say.
Do you love him/her?: yeah i love that little guy!
Are you in love with him/her?: idk. too soon to say.
How long was your longest crush?: 12 seconds
Other Stuff
What is your favorite emotion?: oh girl i plum thought this question was what is your fave emoticon. so im just gonna answer that one. its this: D: a look of horror.
What is your favorite TV show?: heroes
What is the stupidest thing you’ve ever heard somebody say?: haha anything said by jocelyn.
How many cds do you own?: hmm no good ones.
When you go to the movies do you throw stuff at people?: hmm well maybe if they are sitting in my foot rest.
When you go to the movies do you throw stuff at the movie screen?: well i haven't actually but everytime i went to see star trek 11 in the movie theater i really wanted to throw my shoe at kirk but i always refrained!
How many times have you been kicked out of the movies?: never ever ever ever
Have you ever been kicked out of a grocery store?: never ever ever ever
What annoys you the most?: stupid people
Who annoys you the most?: harris. haha jj
Do you know any fake people? (People who act nice to you to your face but then talk about you
behind your back): yeah prob
Did you ever want to smack them?: girl no
What’s your favorite season?: winter
What’s your favorite subject in school? ipod time
What’s your least favorite subject in school?: spanish
Who is your all-time favorite teacher?: i'd say its a tie between sarah and john
What school do you go to?: well....its a little old place where we can get together!
What is the mascot at your school? haha
What grade are you in?: 10
What grade are you supposed to be in?: 10
What is your favorite song?: haha what if i said a dif one this time? what then?
What song reminds you of yourself?: no songs.
What is your favorite flavor of skittles?: green
Describe yourself in five words: liquidy, warm-blooded, tongue, whiteish, brain
If you knew the truth was gonna hurt you would you still wanna hear it?: yes girl
Do long distance relationships work?: sure they do
Would you change yourself to make someone else happy?: never ever ever ever
What one thing makes you happy?: socks
What phrase or saying do you use the most?: hahaha
What’s your favorite scary movie?: something about a red rose
What would you do with a million dollars?: i would purchase the island and transform it into a theme park then destroy it in a terrible explosion, collect my insurance and invest in the waterbottle waterbottle holder buisness
If your house was burning down and you could only take one thing with you, what would you take?: just one thing? hmm prob my ipod. no wait! my sylar watch.
Are you glad this survey is over?: no i am deeply saddened.

yay! you made it to the end. good cuz i still have more things to talk about!

i have this really spec thing to say called zq posted to his blog today and so am i! we are so sharing some brainwaves today!


wow did you see that letter? skater just typed that into the post! she even capitalized the thing!

haha girl speaking of some heroes cast member though, did you hear that adrian pasdar was arrested for dui? haha i think that is so funny for some reason and i can just hear nathan saying "adrian, you idiot, do you know what this is gonna do to my election!?" hahaha

aaaah girl i had more things to talk about but they will just have to wait unti sunday because i don't have time!

alright well see you then! i hope this giant post makes up for my sucking post on monday! haha


  1. So I had a couple things to say about this post...first of all, Annie, you have no idea how much I wanted to read your rant about the new Heroes ep and not skim past it like I did. SO. TEMPTING.
    But, in your favourite mysteries, you listed the Haitian's name, but...I just found it out in the ep I just watched! It's Renee! So...not much of a mystery. And in the same column: Taylor? WTF? You can't mean OUR taylor, could you? I hope not.
    But hahahaha, about the Adrian Pasdar thing. I could see that happening as well...y'know...if Nathan wasn't DEAD. :(

  2. that is why you need to catch up! lol

    i listed the haitians name because it was a mystery for four seasons! so it is a solved mystery now.

    and yes, our taylor is a mystery. but we love her.
