Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Sound of Drums

This blog post comes in 8ish parts.

Part 1: Unconditional love
I just love this little blog@@@ Love it love it love it@ That is one of the reasons why I am posting this at 12:16 AM, just 16 minutes into my day to post a blog entry@

Part 2: Time
Last night/this morning I came to the realization that no matter how late I stay up on a school night, I will be the same exact amount of tired when I wake up the next morning, so just as long as I find myself to be wide awake in the late hours of the night, it would be wise of me to stay up as late as I can/want, thus adding a good 4 or so hours to my day@ That is the second reason why I am posting this darn thing in the almost-middle of a Monday night. And this is also the reason why I actually gave my homework the old college try tonight rather than leaving it for doing during school tomorrow. Well actually I left some of my homework to do, but not all of it, as is usually normal.

Part 3: Clearing up the fog
I realize that there are tons of things that the three of us say/talk about that don't make sense to other people who may be reading this blog, and I'm not going to clear up everything just now, but I feel I should explain the whole @ thing. We have been using @ symbols in place of exclamation marks (!) due to a typo that I made a few days ago where I accidentally said "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" instead of the intended "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". Personally I think the @ symbols are so darn cute@

BRB. Bathroom break. Okay back.

Part 4: Favies & unfavies
I'm thinking we should continue with the favorites/unfavorites game for the time being, if we want. Like in each person's post they could post their personal favorites/unfavorites for the categories posted by the two people preceding them, and then they could share a new one@ And it could maybe be things besides people and stuff sometimes, even@

Favorite Star Wars people:
-Uhhh idk. The bad guy? I saw that one movie where he (I think it was him, anyway) was a cute little kid and he was just the cutest little thing, so I will pick him. Plus you can never go wrong with bad guys unless they are time piece restorers with ginormous eyebrows.

Unfavorite Star Wars people:
-You know, I really couldn't tell ya.

Favorite Star Trek people:

Unfavorite Star Trek people:

Favorite doctors:
-THE Doctor
-Dr. Peter Petrelli
-Dr. Mccoy

Unfavorite doctors:
-Dr. Suresh
-Dr. Shepard
-The lady from FlashForward

Part 5: Maturity
I spent a good chunk of my night tonight looking into some action figures that I might like to purchase. Hmm. Just wondering, like, how acceptable would you say it is for a 18 year old girl to be purchasing action figures?@ Not that I care in the least@ I think Harry, Ron, Hermione, Snape, Hagrid, and the cat lady are getting lonely, so I just thought I'd help them out, you know?

Part 6: Ducks
Today I saw a picture of a duck stealing money from a lady with it's mouth while she got her baby duckies to distract the women with their cuteness. Later I saw a commercial where a duck, possibly the same one, had money in its mouth which it gave to a needy family. Here is a piccy of Robin Hood the duck:

Part 7: Being 10,000 miles from the truth
In a min I will show you a picture I drew. First I will tell you the story of this pic. You see, Gob always likes to talk about this mysterious thing he goes to called "Winter Drums". I had been wondering about what that could possibly be. I was sure that it involved him playing an African drum out in the snow as more snow fell on to his Goblin shoulders. Also I thought that he was at Winter Drums on the day when I asked him about this. Boy was I wrong. Turns out Winter Drums takes place inside, he does not play any African drums, and he was not even at Winter Drums on that date. BUMMER. But now here is the pic. Just thought I'd share:

Also if you click on the pic it will make it nice and large.

Part 8: All good things come to an end.
Alright, that is the end folks, I fear@ The next time you hear from me it will be Friday and life will be great.

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