Saturday, February 11, 2012

broccoli slaw salad

Hey gs!!!

I just thought you should know that you can forget alcohol and demon blood. The most most troubling thing is that Sam and Dean are both addicted to caffeine.

You see how Sam clutches his cup of coffee so tightly. He can't let anyone take it from him.

Sam feeds into his brother's addiction by bringing him coffee in the morning.

Something interesting: Dean usually takes the top off before drinking his coffee. Sam doesn't.

Here the brothers sit outside a coffee shop. They can't stay away.

Unfortunately Dean got Sam some mysterious drink so Sam is angsting.

"Oooh that is good coffee!"

This motel room has a pretty big kitchen. Is that coffee I spy!??!

"Yes, give me the coffee. Come to papa."

You see! Top off!

"You're such a nice brother, Dean. Bringing me coffee. I love you so much."

Yes, this coffee was for John but this part is important! The magnitude of John's death is empathized by the fact that SAM DROPS A PERFECTLY GOOD CUP OF COFFEE!!!!


Unfortunately John's tragic coffee-related accident doesn't stop Sam from enjoying the drink.

Yes, you see here good!cop brings the Sam a cup of coffee, probably with full knowledge of his addiction.

He can't resist. He must drink it...

And then immediately have a flashback of himself drinking coffee...

And bringing some to his bro. Top off!

Top off!

Poor Sam spilled coffee on himself. Such a waste...

Dean tiptoes over to grab a cup of the good stuff.

Sometimes Sam's more serious addiction affects his brother. Here he drank the whole thermos of coffee, leaving none for his caffeine deprived sibling.

Dammit, Sam. You have a problem.

Dean Smith had a fancy coffee maker.

Sam Wesson did not.

Even soulless Sam felt the affects of his addiction.

And resouled Sam still struggles with his addiction after years of Hell.

Sam's addiction started at an early age.

Sam has mixed feelings about Jodie. No one has ever denied him coffee before. It's like the panic room all over again.

Luckily Sam and Dean will always be able to fine hospitable witnesses unaware that they are feeding a dangerous addiction.

Day 11 - Favorite not!Dean

I would have to say shapeshifter Dean.

He really

had a connection

with Sam.

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